The Left Hate Football

The left have been struggling to fill their days of late.

It’s a long wait until The President Of The United States arrives in England.

Anyway it’s better to launch a shock and awe type attack here, otherwise you give sane people time to start throwing up all the real nasties HM Queen Liz has had round for hight tea at Buck House. Mugabe, Assad, President Suharto of Indonesia, Nicolae Ceausescu… the list of genuine despots is seemingly endless. 

Casually peddling antisemitism ‘disguised’ as Anti-Zionism is a bit of a tricky one these days, and there are only so many campaigns for non gender specific school toilets one can take on at one time.

So what better opportunity to whine about something else that makes people happy than football.

Introducing Corbin darling at large @MissEllieMae

The trigger this time?

Some mumbo jumbo about human rights in Colombia.

Presumably the human rights in Colombia are more important than those in Saudi Arabia, so it’s okay for the Queen to meet the woman hating nutters from there.

Best of all was the sanctimonious Sunderland fan @Kevin_Maguire 

Who decided to get in early (or prematurely as it is known in the ejaculation business) Tweeting this before a ball was kicked against the South Americans.


I dare say if I trawled the Twitter swamp further I could finds more examples, but these two high profile and deeply charmless nurks are more than enough for one morning, thanks.

It must be a hoot to bask in the freedom that this nation affords, whist simultaneously wishing that it becomes some culturally enriched marxist hell hole.