Will Spurs’ Next Coach Finally Shunt-on Harry Winks? He Should

Harry Winks make the Invisible man look like Sir Les Patterson after his third bottle of table wine. When Winks is criticized, it is frequently the case that his ‘safe pair of hands’ defense is raised, which invariably includes a successful passing accuracy that routinely hits the 90th percentile. Regrettably, this is merely a distraction, because as defensive midfielders go, his defending is close non-existent.

Is this the heat map of a midfielder during an English Cup Final?

If we look at the Carabao Cup Final as a big game, a game by which Winks could use to prove how mistaken Mourinho had been in marginalizing him, then what did we actually get in return for his 90-minutes?

If we look at Harry’s heat map above, it tells us absolutely nothing worth knowing.

Just one defensive challenge – which Winks won.

Just one loose ball duel – which Winks lost.

The closest thing to a high point was the 5 recoveries across the whole 90 minutes.

This performance was not atypical and reflects that at Tottenham, there are several safe berths so players that don’t offer very much.

Today’s Tottenham teaser: Just how many Tottenham managers has Harry Winks manage to hoodwink during his 8 seasons at the club?