Will Mourinho’s Table Take The Weight Of A Third Dead Cat? This nonsense really does have to stop

The Dead Cat strategy is the introduction of a dramatic, shocking, or sensationalist topic to divert discourse away from a more damaging topic. The strategy, or at least the “dead cat” metaphor to describe it, is particularly associated with Australian political strategist Lynton Crosby.

For the last press conference, the biggest issue that needed addressing was the rather awkward business of Toby Alderweireld being unavailable for the Newcastle game as he allegedly hadn’t been back in time to take a COVID-19 test in order to train/play, etc. Sadly, this comment was made by the gaffer as the club’s social media boys put out images of Toby merrily training.

Enter the first dead cat, as we waited for the explanation, José ‘interrupts’ the presser to pay a decent tribute to the late Duke of Edinburgh. I’m in no way suggesting the comments lacked integrity, rather questioning as to why they were presented in the daytime release of the conference video, opposed to saved for the embargoed element.

The embargoed element of pressers is routinely released much later in the day, sites get sent the video – which is a continuation of the afternoon one – and usually, one is allowed to publish at 1030 pm. The only thing is, this time there was no video, and the question was fobbed off by Mourinho, who didn’t give a straight answer, but instead told the assembled press that they had already made their minds up, so why should he trouble himself?

The second dead act landed after yesterday’s game, where Mourinho mumbled through his post-match reactions with several ‘I don’t want to speak’ comments. Instead, we got some faux shock over Ole’s comments on Sonny.

Will José’s table take the weight of a third cat?