Home » Will Mourinho’s Table Take The Weight Of A Third Dead Cat? This nonsense really does have to stop

Will Mourinho’s Table Take The Weight Of A Third Dead Cat? This nonsense really does have to stop

By The Boy -

The Dead Cat strategy is the introduction of a dramatic, shocking, or sensationalist topic to divert discourse away from a more damaging topic. The strategy, or at least the “dead cat” metaphor to describe it, is particularly associated with Australian political strategist Lynton Crosby.

For the last press conference, the biggest issue that needed addressing was the rather awkward business of Toby Alderweireld being unavailable for the Newcastle game as he allegedly hadn’t been back in time to take a COVID-19 test in order to train/play, etc. Sadly, this comment was made by the gaffer as the club’s social media boys put out images of Toby merrily training.

Enter the first dead cat, as we waited for the explanation, José ‘interrupts’ the presser to pay a decent tribute to the late Duke of Edinburgh. I’m in no way suggesting the comments lacked integrity, rather questioning as to why they were presented in the daytime release of the conference video, opposed to saved for the embargoed element.

The embargoed element of pressers is routinely released much later in the day, sites get sent the video – which is a continuation of the afternoon one – and usually, one is allowed to publish at 1030 pm. The only thing is, this time there was no video, and the question was fobbed off by Mourinho, who didn’t give a straight answer, but instead told the assembled press that they had already made their minds up, so why should he trouble himself?

The second dead act landed after yesterday’s game, where Mourinho mumbled through his post-match reactions with several ‘I don’t want to speak’ comments. Instead, we got some faux shock over Ole’s comments on Sonny.

Will José’s table take the weight of a third cat?

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3 years ago
Reply to  Dan

Jose did not say he was unfit.

3 years ago
Reply to  Kevin Freund

He was the wrong fit for a cheapskate like Levy. Spend 15 on the manager to deflect from the proper investment on the field that is more expensive and takes real nous. Only Jose will burn the place down on the way out.

Kevin Freund
Kevin Freund
3 years ago

The Weight on Jose table …… is 15 million pounds .

15 million pounds per year – for what in return ?

the players look tired and a little lost . Our squad may have its challenges . But we have quality that should put us in front of teams like West Ham and Leicester,

Its a real struggle to watch us over 90 minutes. The players have seem to have disembarked from the Jose bus .

East Stand
East Stand
3 years ago
Reply to  Cali

Looks very much like it.

East Stand
East Stand
3 years ago
Reply to  Dan

He could have been rotated and used sparingly at 33 or whatever he is.

3 years ago
Reply to  Spursnutd

Didn’t we have one of the best defensive records in the league under Poch? I think you’ll find we did, at least in his heyday before Levy lost his wallet.

3 years ago
Reply to  Dan

I’m sorry you felt that way ie I made up my mind, if you remember Jose misspoke last week when he was asked why Toby did not play and then he was in the bench again one of the last big games in the top4 place against a rival is beyond me anyway I can’t have a very satisfactory or justification why Toby is in the bench while Dier playing considering all that happened last week and Jose’s explanation. Cheers

3 years ago
Reply to  Cali

There is no point in discussing it with you as you clearly have your mind made up.

It has been well documented that Toby cannot play multiple games a week. Yes he went and played 3 games for Belgium so I knew straight away he would be nowhere near the Spurs squad for the Newcastle game.

If he has any kind of minor knock or fitness concern, the medical staff will advise the manager on the probability of him making it through the next game unscathed. They will also advise the manager on the potential risk (i.e. aggravating the problem causing a greater spell on the sidelines). Jose and his team will then weigh up the risk and make a decision – this is incredibly common.

For Toby, I imagine they will consult with him as well. Yes I’m sure he will want to play but I think he will also want to make sure he is semi-fit for what is likely to be his last Euros in the summer. Us as fans won’t like hearing this but it’s true. He will 100% want to be a part of that Belgium squad as it’s likely going to be his last major tournament. If it means sitting on the sidelines at Spurs for the last few games, I think he would do it.

I don’t for a single second think it is just Jose not liking him. As I said, Toby wouldn’t be here if Jose hadn’t asked Levy to extend his contract.

But you also need to take into account that Toby is likely to be gone in the summer. Look at the bigger picture, Jose needs to look at alternatives, we are unlikely to sign 2 centre backs in the summer so he needs to start understanding what he is working with in game situations. He can watch on the training ground all week but nothing can replicate PL football.

3 years ago
Reply to  Dan

I don’t understand what injury/fitness concerns we talking about the season is almost finishing and you need to finish the 4th place and is the only possible place you can finish to qualify the Champions league next season so where are you protecting Toby to do what? Toby played his Belgium games 2 weeks ago and when he came back never played for us besides he was the substitute bench yesterday what the hell he was doing there if he is injured or unfit I can’t believe you trying to justify this nobody can justify including Jose for this one except he don’t like him and he doesn’t want to field him ie Jose’s Ego won’t allow it.

3 years ago
Reply to  Cali

Toby is also too old. Poch didn’t play him either, he would have left Spurs last season if Poch was still in charge. It was Mourinho who told Levy to extend his contract.

I don’t think its about Mourinho not liking him. It’s been said multiple times this season that he can’t play as much as he has in previous seasons. Do you know for certain that he was 100% fit yesterday and could have started the game? Because against the better teams in the league we can’t start a half fit 32 year old.

A year ago he was being linked with a host of European clubs and now it seems only Club Brugge are interested. I would imagine it’s because of injury/fitness concerns.

3 years ago
Reply to  Dan

Jan is gone we passed that I’m talking about Alderweireld who is here and now?

3 years ago
Reply to  Cali

I think most fans (myself included) didn’t disagree with the decision to let Vertonghen go. Hindsight is 20/20, we weren’t to know that a suitable replacement wouldn’t come in.

I honestly don’t believe we would be any better off with Jan in this team as he is too slow now, there were so many fans slating him last year and saying his time was up, we are all just looking at it with rose tinted glasses.

3 years ago
Reply to  Dan

What is the point of highlighting their perspective ages if they are the best we have and the Chairman is not getting better than them we can’t have both ways by criticising Vertonghen and Toby and not coming up better defenders than what they have to offer as long as we have them they have to play as we can’t offer anything better, Toby is the most experienced and the best defender we have just Mourinho doesn’t like him therefore he should be dropped is a criminal and is costing the teams season already.

3 years ago
Reply to  East Stand

I think Vertonghen was too old for the PL, he got caught out a fair few times last season, him and Toby on the books at the same time was never going to happen.

East Stand
East Stand
3 years ago
Reply to  Spursnutd

We have missed Vertonghen badly too. Letting him go was a really stupid idea, just one in a long line of contractual penny pinching f*ck-ups by Levy…

East Stand
East Stand
3 years ago
Reply to  Spursnutd

Almost at Pochettino’s time, we attack more as a team so there is this constant pressure on the back for either. I don’t think many teams play like that now anyway, sitting in and trying to plan the break constantly. I don’t think most offenders like playing that way anymore.

3 years ago
Reply to  East Stand

To be fair other than reggie and rodon the defence is as bad as it was with poch. Dier please let him have his wish like in the next ten minutes, Toby sadly too old, Sanchez good against poor sides the scared cat in the lights against all others. Most of the players bought if not all are purchased by Danny not poch during his time or Jose. We start with buying player A and by the time we do spend we have to invent new letters we are so far off the scale.

East Stand
East Stand
3 years ago
Reply to  ministerscat

Botch never botched up a NLD as spectacularly as the Doherty debacle. I mean Woolworths are not a good side these days, so extra bad.

Poch has been gone quite a long time now,Jose’s had something like 8 players in, which i fink is well over half a team (even with my sh*te maths).

Its all been Dele, Winks, Dier and Sanchez’ fault. Of course Jose has no other players to select does he? Son and Kane are the envy of the league as an attacking duo.

This squad are far from World beaters but endless excuses rolled out for Jose by his little band of cultists have reached comedic levels this season…

3 years ago

I just dont see how he can get us out of this funk.
We can look forward to The Chuckle Brothers telling us it is all down to Botch.

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