Why StubHub Was Really Pulled

The THST are unrelentingly funny. I’ll give them that. If you’ve given them a tenner, you need your head examined.

No surprise that they’ve added this to their website’s sidebar, which is an embarrassing hotchpotch of alleged achievements, none of which stand up to any scrutiny.

Close to the top o’ the pile of nonsense is this ‘Ran the Stop StubHub campaign, ultimately resulting in the ticket exchange being taken back in-house by THFC from the 2017-18 season.’

Only a bunch of self important w*nkers like the trust would claim credit something that took over 4 years to be pulled. 

This is like a spiritualist telling their assembled morons, ‘I am sensing one of you has lost someone, fairly recently. Someone that was very close to you. Am I right?’

But why was it pulled? Because fans wanting to screw other fans over weren’t actually selling their seats. Gladys had a poke about and told me: “The sales were good initially, because it was carnage! That didn’t last long.”

“By the time the cap came in, the novelty of paying double or worse for a seat at WHL had already worn off. Like you always say about Levy – how he only only concedes what has no value to him – that’s what happened here. By the time StubHub implemented the cap, the OTT priced seats were virtually non-existent bar the odd Japanese tourist.”

“The Trust claiming this as A WIN (**** me – nobody can cope with her) is very funny. Spurs jacked it in because Stubhub’s end was dwindling and they threatened the club with a reduction in commission.”

Thank you and goodnight.