Home » Who will be the next Tottenham manager? Time to go the Scottish route

Who will be the next Tottenham manager? Time to go the Scottish route

By Bruce Grove -

It is a question that has to be asked considering that Jose Mourinho’s tenure at the club is looking increasingly precarious.

But who can come in and do the job to the satisfaction of the Tottenham fan base and also satisfy Daniel Levy?

So many names have been thrown around already and despite the travails being experienced at the club right now, Spurs do remain an attractive proposition.

I would like to think a little out of the box and put a different idea forward.

Instead of starting with a managers CV or reputation, let’s start with his nationality and culture.

I reckon we should pick a manager that was born and bred in Scotland.


Well, for starters, in our history we have only ever employed three Scottish managers and all three were trophy winners, John Cameron (FA Cup 1901) Peter McWilliam (FA Cup 1921) and George Graham (League Cup 1999)

Secondly, Scots have a particular personality about them, they take no bull and do not go in for softies, Sir Alex Ferguson, Graham, Sir Matt Busby and Bill Shankley being classic examples.

Of course, I am generalising and there is a long list of Scottish failures but for such a small country population-wise, they do seem to be rather successful at management.

Spurs are weak mentally and have been for a very long time, a manager with steel in his veins is required to whip this lot into shape. The club has tried hiring winning managers, up and coming managers and from within and yet, success has still evaded us. Maybe the time is to try something different.

Who would fit that bill today?

Well, there is not a great pool to choose from right now, Moyes is one option of course but maybe one that is currently punching above his weight in Scotland like Jack Ross at Hibernian or Heart’s Robbie Neilson.

I know these are hardly fashionable names and do not have illustrious CV’s but could they do any worse that some of the managers we have had in the past.

I am the first to admit that what I am saying here is probably a little ridiculous but that is the state we are in now and if you identify mentality as the true weakness with these players then why not target that as a priority when hiring the next manager.

Let me put it this way, would Duncan Ferguson put up with these prima donnas?

I doubt it.

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3 years ago

Fully agree. He has taken a side that narrowly svoided relegation last season to the fringes of the Champions League. They have an identity, team unity snd plsy football that is easy on the eye. All done without spending a fortune in the transfer market and only having half a striker in the squad.

The Boy
3 years ago
Reply to  Bertoliver

Now Luke Shaw is a poster boy for a post Mourinho world, eh? Funny that he didn’t feature when JM was winning trophies at United.

Be funnier still if he wins nothing this season.

Luke Shaw eh? Wowzers.

3 years ago
Reply to  CzechSpur

But the truth the players don’t run through walls for him. At Chelsea Man Utd and now Spurs they don’t.
To show how his tough love works you only have to look at Luke Shaw post Jose. Probably best left back in England at present

Urbane Sturgeon
Urbane Sturgeon
3 years ago
Reply to  Delmooreio

He wouldn’t know where to start in today’s game; different world.

3 years ago

Yep, I’m sure Bill Nick is turning in his grave at the attitude of the majority of today’s players

Urbane Sturgeon
Urbane Sturgeon
3 years ago
Reply to  The Boy

Or modern player friendly perhaps.

Urbane Sturgeon
Urbane Sturgeon
3 years ago
Reply to  The Boy

If ENICs Spuds are responsible for increasing trips to the cellar, all power to them. Just as well I’ve no fondness for champagne though.

The Boy
3 years ago
Reply to  Spursnutd

He’s an honorary Scotchman

The Boy
3 years ago
Reply to  Delmooreio

Great suggestion – mind you, both had very strong characters – not very modern fan friendly

The Boy
3 years ago
Reply to  Bruce Grove

Hahahaha 🍻

Urbane Sturgeon
Urbane Sturgeon
3 years ago

Moyes is that type, Bruce. I’ve wondered before what sort of Spurs he would create, always rated him. I’d be interested to see the result of him being handed the dosh from the sale of Kane, Son & his first deadwoods out the door, to rebuild in his image. He seems to have a talent for driving players on rather than driving them into themselves. He gives me the impression he puts his job ahead of his self image.

3 years ago

Why Scottish? How about a Yorkshire man! Our 2’most succesful managers were born and bred there- Bill Nick and Burkinshaw

3 years ago

Is stevie g a Scottish.

3 years ago

Yeah but most of these successful Scottish managers were from yesteryear, like all their good players.

3 years ago
Reply to  The Boy

Agreed. You can’t get through a day being a Spurs fan without it that is for sure.

The Boy
3 years ago
Reply to  Tottingham

No, but I do believe mots of our readers are. Driven to the stuff.

Lord Croker
Lord Croker
3 years ago

The manager merry-go-round. There is no manager that can get a tune out of this split squad. None.

3 years ago

What about fixing the mentality by appointing one of the most prolific winners of the last 15-20 years, who’s known for creating a siege mentality and making players run through walls for him?

I wonder how that would go…

3 years ago

Are you drunk, Bruce?

Dancing barber
Dancing barber
3 years ago
Reply to  CowSpurs

I think you mean Bull

3 years ago

Very funny! Have you considered star signs? Tottenham have only ever won a trophy when managed by a Taurean. (I am really hoping some one is sad enough to check it!).

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