Home » Who Was To Blame For The Goal? | Video analysis

Who Was To Blame For The Goal? | Video analysis

By The Boy -

Another day in paradise. Trying to analyse this goal is somewhat academic because whilst it was the one that went in, Manchester City had endless other opportunities to score from equally disorganized scenarios. Perhaps Daniel Levy owes Pep Guardiola for not playing his very best XI, due to their impending Champions League commitment with Paris St Germain.

Yesterday’s game was horrible viewing for numerous reasons and whilst we lick our wounds, the commercial bods at THFC have decided not to discount the ‘finalist’ merchandise on the club’s website. They obviously feel there are a few more shillings to be made.

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3 years ago

We have no leaders. We don’t have one single player who can take the game to the opponent.

One of our own has now played in 3 cup finals. Two of those injured. He may be a great goal scorer but he doesn’t instil a fighting spirit.

The players embarrassed themselves and the club with that performance. Just when you think it can’t get any worse they lower the bar that little bit more.

Personally, I’d rather we lost yesterday 20-0 but every player crawl off the pitch having given everything. Bale when he came on looked like the camera switched to Slo Mo when he moved.

We are a shambles. Have been for too long. Ultimately it’s the owners responsibility to stop the rot. Sadly, as long as mug punters pay over the odds for season tickets, merch and home brewed beer they’ll continue this nonsense.

Last edited 3 years ago by JimmyGrievance
3 years ago
Reply to  Dino

Sissoko has been stealing a living since we signed him. He is one of the worst players to ever have put on a Spurs shirt. He looked better when he made a small improvement because he was so damn awful to start with. But in truth our decline tracks with Sissoko becoming a first choice player. He was given Josh Onomah’s minutes when we signed him and can anyone hinetsly say that he’s done anything that Onomah (who isn’t a very good PL player) couldn’t have done. Sissoko has been a huge waste of money and for some reason this is the third manager who picks him despite his obvious lack of talent and repeated failure on the football pitch. If he’s one of our best players its no wonder we are so bad.

3 years ago

Sissoko after a rotten start had started to improve but since the Leicester defeat has gone from being ok to poor….his saving grace used to be work rate, and tracking runners but in the last 4 months it seems he’s given up. I think a number of players in the squad think they should start, and when they dont just put in limp performances, only exceptions to this appear to be Lamela & Moura. The decision to take off Moura was baffling & what does it say to your club record signing when hes left on the bench all game…… maybe Mason is prioritizing the league….

David Dillenberg
David Dillenberg
3 years ago

Putting it bluntly when you give away needless free kicks in dangerous areas as Aurier did you are inviting trouble!

David Dillenberg
David Dillenberg
3 years ago
Reply to  Paddio

Lacking leaders and generals on the pitch like him or loathe him we lack a Roy “take no prisoners” Keane who leading from the front was a great captain!

3 years ago

Huh, they dropped after the title to reset. It may give us hope.

3 years ago

I’d love to know who bought any of that crap, finalist key ring, that’s worse than the ESL

3 years ago

Unfortunately how nice a lot of the fan base are it gives Levy a free ride. Yes players can be better esp from a low base, but fans laud that which comes from a nice place but doesn’t winners make. I think someone said you have to be a bunch of c$#@!, what that really means is having a determined focus and demand doing what you need to do to win.
Fans could learn from that.

David Dillenberg
David Dillenberg
3 years ago
Reply to  Sandro

Having been down this depressing road before quite frankly we are an average side as compared to a model run club Leicester City with everybody singing from the same hymn sheet!

David Dillenberg
David Dillenberg
3 years ago
Reply to  CowSpurs

Turning to the CL Final in fairness the penalty was a tad harsh on
Sissoko who improved from a low base but is ultimately one of a number of personnel surplus to requirements!!

3 years ago

I wonder how long it will take the Jose haters to realise it’s actually the players? I honestly don’t think even Pep could get a decent tune out of our squad. The gulf in quality yesterday ought to be a huge wake up call for Levy & Co, but I doubt it will.

3 years ago

Gormless, nervous, stuck and frankly, odd.
The word “Mask” has taken a whole new meaning over the past year, but “Socially Distancing” took on a whole new meaning during that game.
This will be a strange Summer. Perhaps the strangest.

David Dillenberg
David Dillenberg
3 years ago
Reply to  England Mike

In fairness whilst Aurier has upped his game cutting out rash challenges never slow to oblige he bought the bait leading to poor marking from the free kick and Citehs resultant deserved winner!!

Last edited 3 years ago by David Dillenberg
3 years ago
Reply to  England Mike

That will upset Sanchez, Winks and Doherty! If they can’t get in the top 3 worse players it shows how bad of a situation we are in.

3 years ago

Anyone who had a go at Aurier for the foul obviously hasn’t seen this numpty play. We all know he shouldn’t have fouled Sterling, that’s by the by, because this is what Aurier does. Sterling was busy but awful yesterday, he was running in to the corner, no threat whatsoever. Aurier, in his own head had one option. Kick him! Levy could bring out a 2 volume DVD of this lad’s bloopers. Boris Johnson makes better decisions than this clown. Let Aurier play long enough and he does this though, we all know it. He can’t help it. It was no surprise for me, but because we bought a cart horse replacement in Doherty (he was great at Wolves!) we have been stuck with Serge for another season. Fair play to Levy, the smoke and mirrors worked handsomely. He got fans to actually think Aurier was a good option because Doherty was worse! Aurier’s past was forgotten as it was written on last season’s chip paper.

Sissoko on the corner was another reason HE should never play for us again. You wouldn’t accept it off kids. I think only Spurs could lose an 8v6 (9 with a goalie) dead ball drill, because one of the 8 defenders couldn’t be bothered to look and see a 6ft 3ins Frenchman. Sissoko cons everyone by coming across as some sort of leader. He was to blame for the Ch Lg penalty, pointing like an idiot too. Sissoko needed to get his own house in order before thinking he can get others to do a job.

Rumour has it we are signing Lee Cattermole, just to make us thankful we have Sissoko! I am not a fan of Ndom, but he is a better substitution option than Sissoko. Lamela would have sprinted around and got booked, but that is 2 things more than what Bale did.

Who is to blame? Levy first and foremost, Mason for putting Sissoko on the pitch, Levy, Doherty for being worse than Aurier, Aurier and finally Levy.

3 years ago
Reply to  England Mike

I agree. First three out of the door.

England Mike
England Mike
3 years ago

Aurier has an unavoidable desire to make a rash challenge that leads to goal scoring opportunities for opponents, yesterday it happened at a stage of the game that left us with nowhere to go.
The defence was at fault again but this time from a player in Sissoko who has the presence of a bull, but has the heart of a coward, they along with Rose are the first three on the list to go, and now if possible.

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