Home » When Are We Launching Our Own Version Of Arsenal Fan TV?

When Are We Launching Our Own Version Of Arsenal Fan TV?

By The Boy -

Regular readers will know from recent pieces on here and videos that I have been wrestling with the sudden emergence of outraged consumers in the Tottenham fanbase; after all, it’s not as if ENIC only finished demolishing White Hart Lane last week.

I’ve put it down to woke fans getting overwrought by the European Super League, lockdown derangement syndrome a penny finally dropping (in slow motion) that Levy has been fibbing, we’re never going to win anything, and that Harry Kane is probably off.

This is one heck of a 180-degree turn from effectively the same people that not so long ago were cooing over videos of girders being swung about by cranes and piles of earth and rubble being pushed about.

The Mail Online reports that on the last day of the season the THST intends to let Daniel Levy that they REALLY aren’t talking to him anymore by staging a protest outside the stadium.

As we discussed in this article – ENIC Are Our Spotify – Spurs already have an investor and so there is no way on earth the club’s board is going to respond favourably to be told to do a shuffle or whatever is that is being sought by this bedsheet waving mob.

I fear that we are very close to deteriorating into a Spurs Fan TV state of affairs, where angry people with very limited vocabularies shout into cameras.

Quite how these people expect to effect change long after the opportunity has passed is beyond me. So it will end in shouting – which is not a good look.

Consider this. I like the groceries sold at Ikea. It’s very difficult for me to visit one of their stores and not leave with a wheelbarrow full of beer, crisps, biscuits, chocolates, meatballs, and gravlax etc.

By the same token, I don’t care one bit for their canteens. The smell, the noise, people masticating and the general feeding time at the zoo vibe.

If I held a protest outside an Ikea demanding that they closed all their restaurants – making a fundamental change to their business model, and agreed to install a member of the public on their board, that even the most charming Swede would tell me to politely get lost.

This protest will be a ghastly mistake.

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3 years ago

Well, if you want a ground swell of people outside of regular readers of this esteemed publication, then the ‘bedsheets and spray cans’ mob are unfortunately the next set to get involved.

I wouldn’t lower myself to such plebeian displays personally, but I do say good on ’em – ANY displays of displeasure that make it into the press will make Danny baby uncomfortable on some level, which is to be applauded!

3 years ago

Big up my guy Robbie.

3 years ago
Reply to  The Boy

“F**k off! Judean People’s Front?!! We’re The People’s Front of Judea?!!”

3 years ago
Reply to  The Boy

Ha. End of story.

3 years ago
Reply to  The Boy

Sort your Mrs out ,I’d buy you a beer you can do what you like with the gay geezer

3 years ago
Reply to  mikeyhughes

Don’t be so sure ,if there’s one thing Levy cares about its the brand name , this ain’t about ESL anymore , it’s about the lies over the stadium build , the profit before glory ethic and the stupidity of sacking Mourinho a week before the final , I normally post on Dear Mr Levy (yes there’s anti Levyologists on there too)but I have a lot of time for Harry’s blogs and specially his podcasts , a few from DML are going anyone is welcome to join , the mess ENIC is in is bigger than blog allegiance

Last edited 3 years ago by Phil
3 years ago

Even if ENIC did relent and reserve a place on the board for a THST rep or any other fan what change could they realistically affect? They would most likely be outmanoeuvred by cliques on the board and just delighted that they can ad THFC board member to their CV.

James McKevitt
James McKevitt
3 years ago
Reply to  eddie


James McKevitt
James McKevitt
3 years ago
Reply to  The Boy


Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
3 years ago
Reply to  The Boy

I wasn’t aware it went as far as deplatform attempts.
All very strange. That’s how it got culty, all hail the project etc with the shrine of the arena…..ugly..really gave me a shock and put some fans in a new light I wasn’t aware existed.

Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
3 years ago

I too received all the taunts and flack for simply pointing out the terrible danger this investment company and it’s bald rep posed. That they were not interested in football, that they were liars and would destroy us. Years of this. Now somebody’s waved a magic wand and it’s news worthy. The clubs dead….and these apologists enabled it. Put the banners down.

Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
3 years ago

Yep. It’s all bizarre, and far far too late. Sad.

3 years ago
Reply to  James McKevitt

Maybe it’s a prelude for the World Cup Final.

3 years ago

We need a revolution. Okay so there is very little chance of enic taking any notice, but whilst there’s a tiny chance then it’s worth doing. The French wouldn’t put up with it if it happened at PSG. The chairman would face the guillotine. If enough people join in then enic will have to sit up and take notice as it as potential to affect their ticket sales. Even Levy will understand that. Boycott tickets and merchandise if you’ve got any sense I say. Hit the bar stewards in their pockets.

Last edited 3 years ago by mikeyhughes
James McKevitt
James McKevitt
3 years ago

Qatar are playing the United Arab Emirates in the Champions League tonight.

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