Home » What exactly will be achieved if Jose Mourinho is sacked?

What exactly will be achieved if Jose Mourinho is sacked?

There is a clear anti-Mourinho section of the Tottenham fan base, it may even be the case that they are in the majority, though there is no scientific evidence of that.

But there is certainly a sizeable portion that wants the Portuguese out, however, the same could be said of ENIC, Daniel Levy and some of the players.

And therein lies the problem.

I am very doubtful that those that want Mourinho out are satisfied with everything else going on at the club. I suspect that a vast majority of them also want ENIC and Levy out and of course, a bunch of so-called deadwood players.

So, assuming that is correct and I believe it is, then what exactly would be achieved if Mourinho is given the boot?

If ENIC stays, if those deadwood players stay and if Levy is still in charge of recruitment then what can a new manager do that is better than what Mourinho and Pochettino have done?

If you believe that a new manager would do better then the logical conclusion is that ENIC is not at fault, the deadwood players are not at fault and absolutely Levy is not at fault.

If the real issue does lie with the owners, board and poor players then sacking Mourinho would clearly not be enough.

See where I am coming from?

It is fine to sack Mourinho if you believe a new manager will do a better job with the deadwood players, stingy owners and incompetent chairman but what is the point if it will make no difference?

In my opinion, sacking Mourinho will make little to no difference, in fact, it could set the club back even further, the problems run far deeper at Spurs and have done so for a while.

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3 years ago
Reply to  jose

Its great having a no nonsense manager, there have been lots of them in the past who have been very successful.

The problem is the manager doesn’t play the match, he is represented by the players, he needs the players trust and support, if he doesn’t have that it really doesn’t matter how many trophies you have won in the past, its the here and now that matters. If he doesn’t get the best out of the players now he wont be around in the future.

Football is about results and instant success or at the minimum a sign of progress, being an historically successful manager gets you the job, but because of your past, you are expected to come in straight away and make progress. That unfortunately is the expectation of someone being paid 15m a year.

History is history, its wonderful he’s in the Guinness Book of Records, its wonderful he was brilliant at Porto and Chelsea. That was enjoyed by Porto and Chelsea fans. At the moment we are watching bad football and an under achieving football team, there is a big portion of fans who are not satisfied with that and expect more.

The other half point to his history, where he won trophies had instant success and then it all went wrong. That’s not me making things up, that isn’t fabricated, that’s historical fact.

I am sure that each time he was sacked he didn’t want to leave and wanted to build a long term dynasty, unfortunately performances didn’t allow him to do that, the fans turned against him and he lost his job.

He is working in a COVID era where money isn’t going to be as available, with teams that have seen revenues drastically fall and especially at Spurs where the Chairman never fully backs the manager.

As much as I want to see a successful Tottenham and if Mourinho does it then fantastic, I just cant see how it is possible. I am sorry.

I agree Mourinho has a great track record, I don’t enjoy watching his teams play football, I don’t think I am alone there, but he won things, that’s all that counts. That’s all that counts until he doesn’t …. time will tell.

3 years ago

Mourinho divides fans in the clubs he has been.
He is a no nonsense manager!
The minimum expectation from his players are that they are professional and give 100% for the badge and the team for the 90+ minutes EVERY MATCH.
He can tolerate players making mistakes if the effort has been put in.
However, players unable to follow instructions or unwilling to address areas requiring improvement cannot be tolerated.
The public needs to know who these players are so that they can be moved on or they actually prove that they care for the club and have a change in attitude.
Unfortunately, we have quite a number of players (multi millionaires) happy with the pay cheque only.
I still believe that Mourinho has partnered with Levy to gradually build a team that will be highly successful on the pitch – and playing in a manner fitting and exciting for the fans to be content with — BUT he needs hungry players willing to put in the effort with their energy!

Wanting to see Scarlett, Skipp, Sessegnon, Devine, Cirkin, and many more academy players given minutes next season – and I would expect a Europa League minimum requirement for these players to be utilized.

Mourinho, is no doubt, in the top 5 of all time managers – no matter what happens – given his repeated success and unbelievable Guinness Book of RECORDS.
But he wants to be the best, and the one remaining focus to achieve that goal, is to stay at a club long term and build a new dynasty from scratch. He has chosen Spurs to do it!

Next seasons transfers (both IN and OUT) will be quite revealing!

Buffalo Soldier
Buffalo Soldier
3 years ago

I don’t want him gone for the simple reason the money could be put towards a new player.
Don’t particularly like the bloke don’t hate him.

The Boy
3 years ago
Reply to  Dannyboy

I agree there have always been contingents at Mourinho’s clubs that hated him.
As Bobby Kennedy once said, ‘20% of people are against anything at any one time’ so that’s inconclusive at best.

As I’ve said before, there first thing I’d offer those complaining is to have all their trophies wiped from history
to aid their psychological scarring.

Also, I don’t recall many people saying JM was past his best when we put 6 past United and another 2 past City.
Maybe it’s something to do with the players.

Get Nagelsmann in or whoever the kids want and let’s all have a laugh.

3 years ago
Reply to  Dannyboy

He didn’t sign Regi, that was a Levy last day VDV style loan/purchase.

East Stand
East Stand
3 years ago

Exactement, Monsieur Dilly…

East Stand
East Stand
3 years ago


East Stand
East Stand
3 years ago
Reply to  East Stand


East Stand
East Stand
3 years ago
Reply to  oakvillespurs

I agree, the world has moved on and the two sackings before he can to us can only suggest a downward trend in his managerial career.

He’s probably still very capable with the right players and the right brand of tea in the dressing room caddy etc, etc. Football won’t accommodate the needs of any manager the way it did when the petrodollars came in. That was José’s purple patch, it was a whole ago now…

East Stand
East Stand
3 years ago
Reply to  Dannyboy

Well said.

East Stand
East Stand
3 years ago

It wouldn’t achieve much, perhaps apart from being a team that aren’t challenging for big stuff playing nicer football than one that’s doing neither…

3 years ago
Reply to  CzechSpur

Chelsea fans who adored him first time round couldn’t wait to see the back of him second time round.

There were huge issues at Real Madrid and the dressing room turned against him

Man U again. The players didn’t take to him and the fans hated him.

He is a very marmite character,. Someone like Kloop unites the team, the squad, the fans love him and he plays great football. Mourinho isn’t one for playing great football that’s not a problem for some fans if you win football matches.

The players that got Poch sacked, Mourinho could have moved on, he didn’t and he still plays them. His signings barring PEH and Regi have been average at best. Of course we can say that they aren’t Mourinho s choices and the chairman is just signing players without consulting him.

Zagreb was down to poor player attitude, but that again comes back to the manager. If his messsge is getting ignored (he has said a number of times that it is) then that’s a poor indictment of his coaching. It’s his job to get his message across, to instill discipline and to get them focused.

He was a great coach, be did/has won the top trophies, why when he was out of the game for a year didnt one of the top top clubs not pick him up? Why, he wins things, he is the best coach out there, the reason why, his star is falling and the assets of a football club are the players, Mourinho used to create a pack a family, now he divides that family.

Hope i am wrong, but i think Mourinho is passed his best, there are much better coaches playing a much better style of football.

3 years ago
Reply to  Dannyboy

“Keeps getting absolved of any blame” – this is a complete falsehood. Nobody is saying he’s blameless, but it’s a common straw man to aim at, see also “Jose cultists”. I have yet to see one.

The part where he gets absolved is when the players themselves come out saying they’re not playing according to what is discussed in their meetings – they just can’t do what he wants them to sometimes, just like they couldn’t under Poch.

Also, given the fact our players failed under Poch and many of them are now failing under Jose suggests the blame can’t be put on him alone. Notice – I’m saying “alone”, so he certainly deserves some of the blame – for trusting some of our second-rate squad members in the second leg, for example.

But generally, how many such inept away performances in the EL have we seen under Harry, AVB, Poch, and now Jose? Don’t tell me they were all due to the managers in charge. It’s mentality.

Our players think they are CL players; they thought they could get past Zagreb in first gear. Jose said it himself that the tie had not been won in the first leg. He played Lucas, Lamela, Kane and Dele, and subbed on Reguilon, Tanguy, Vinicius, Bergy and Bale – how is that negative? And how is that “just watching”?

But I feel like we’re discussing the same things over and over again. One group says that Poch was great (which he was for a time) and Jose is awful, the other says Poch wasn’t that great at the end (which he wasn’t) and that Jose is not the root cause of the problem. I firmly believe he deserves time and his players. He got some in the summer, and he was wrong about Dier and Doherty. He will need more backing – a CB, a GK and a CM at least, while clearing out the players that have been letting us down for years.

He’s not perfect, but he’s the manager we currently have and should back. Klopp got three full seasons before he won a trophy, but the knives are out for Jose in his first full season in charge, when he is still being weighed down by much of the dross that got Poch sacked.

3 years ago
Reply to  CzechSpur

This is a hugely successful manager in charge, the players were on the pitch and we can slam their attitude. The manager sent them out, the manager set them up to play and just watched the game unfold as it did. I think a lot of people watching the game saw how it was heading, how comes Mourinho couldnt? He has all this tactical nous and is a winner?

It was a 2 nil lead away to a second rate team.

I am sorry thats not good enough, from the players or the manager, i just don’t get how Mourinho keeps getting absolved of any blame.

We all know the defence is rubbish, he should and could have sorted that out in the summer by bringing players in. He didnt, he bought in one very good full back and one dreadful full back. He persisted in playing Dier, who he is a huge fan off. The defense is a problem he should have solved and he hasn’t.

The style of play is Mourinhos, it again seems illogical that you set up a team who cant defend for long periods of the game, as opposed to playing on the front foot and driving the opposition back. Setting up in a defensive/negative mindset makes it difficult to change if you are losing, which happens regularly and we are unable to get back into the game.

This to me seems basic football management and for a hugely successful manager i do expect much better results than what we are seeing. Maybe Poch the loser has set the bar too high !

With regards to relegation, the only time we were in trouble of relegation was when Harry Peachsnapps took over with us having 2 points from x amount of game and with his tactical genius and cunning saw us scramble away from that disaster.

3 years ago

The feeling from the anti Mourinho Crowd, pundits and the like is the team is hugely under performing, the Manager has blamed the players for poor results saying that they arent listening to his instructions. I would think that makes his job untenable in itself, if the players on a consistent basis are not listening to a highly seasoned coach then what is he doing in the job? He has said that multiple times.

The managers job is getting the best out of the players, when we were top of the league the theory was rubbish football played the Jose way. He was being given all of the credit and he was getting the best out of the players and he was great. However when it all goes wrong like it has, Mourinho is absolved from any blame and its because we have ropey players and its all Daniel Levys fault.

The reality is we had a purple patch, then life has reverted back to Spursy normal. Poch did a great job, i see all the Poch sniping and don’t get it, he is the only manager in our history to get us to a Champions League final, we finished second in the league and third twice. He did a truly incredible job playing amazing football. Sure we didn’t win anything but he garnered team spirit, a style of play and for a period of time it was great. He was let down by Levy, at the time he needed investment the Chairman failed him. That was our shot, the Manager knew it and it went down hill. I just don’t get the Poch attacks, we were lucky to have him. (I understand this piece is not attacking Poch at all and is questioning the root cause of the issue.)

In comparison, we have the winner Mourinho, for all the fans who laud the trophies that he has won, they were at different clubs with different spending power and in the past. He came to England as the Special One, he had his own brand of football and it worked, he galvanised team spirit and created a pack culture. He was a winner, a fantastic coach.

Time moves on, he isn’t the coach he was, he may tell us he is still the best coach in the World, but recent history suggests he isn’t. Most people see him as a defensive coach someone that allows the opposition to have possession and to nullify them, to then catch them on the break. The “boring” football is palatable when it works, when it doesn’t it leaves questions marks about, why don’t you try and attack as you have the best striker in the World, why nullify him, why play this way and still lose.

He hasn’t got the squad he wants, he wont have the money to spend on top class replacements and playing the style of football he does with the current results in front of a crowd will be very badly received. I am not sure the Mourinho bans will be applauding whilst the rest of the stadium is booing. However, this isn’t solely on Mourinho, it was a bad fit with a chairman who has continually failed his managers and the fans.

Levy had a shot with Poch he didn’t back him, he now has one of the most successful managers in the game and he either cant or wont back him properly. I struggle to see how we will get the necessary fianancial backing with the current mob in charge, do i think we could be playing better football and competing, yes i think we can, i think we should and that is down to the manager. Can he succeed, no chance without the right backing and he just isnt going to get it, that is not the managers fault.

Football will be back at the no name stadium in front of crowds, its an amazing stadium, with a great fan base, at the moment the chairman, the manager and the players are not doing it justice.

Last edited 3 years ago by Dannyboy
3 years ago
Reply to  justin

How do you know that we weren’t getting relegated? We were on the back of losing 7-2 at home, the squad was tired and stale and kept repeating the same mistakes. We were 14th and absolutely awful. Jose improved us and led us to a European place.

As for the EL, I just don’t see how we can turn up our noses at it. This is exactly the approach many of the squad take – “I’m above playing away at Linz or Antwerp – or Zagreb”, which is also why we never even got to the quarter finals in the last 10 years.

It is difficult, and there are many games, true. But shouldn’t that serve as extra motivation? Remembering all the games we had to play, Haifa, Shkedinja, Plovdiv, Linz, Antwerp, Wolfsberger, I wouldn’t want to get knocked out by Zagreb. Many didn’t care however.

Lord Croker
Lord Croker
3 years ago


3 years ago

JM is a toxic manager berating Dele in front of his team mates and tv, so demotivating. Turns players off who bounces back once he departs, Luke Shaw case in point.Boring boring football totally opposite to the Spurs style. Never his fault when things don’t work out, still thinks he is a top manager. Get rid off.

3 years ago

We need hope. Hope of winning something is out, so hope of building something for the future is the next best thing. Has Jose a record of developing young exciting talent? No? Then if we are going to rebuild let’s do it with someone who doesn’t blame everyone else and moan the whole time and who can encourage the team to actually play football.

We aren’t going to spend as big as we need to win the Premier League, so why not accept that, go back to the model we had before with bringing in young talented exciting players under a manager that wants to develop them.

3 years ago
Reply to  CzechSpur

We weren’t going to get relegated, and finishing 6th just means Europa League which is a very difficult competition to be in. You play too many games and noone wants to play in any of the games until the Semi’s.

England Mike
England Mike
3 years ago
Reply to  Harry_Kure

That would guarantee Mourinho going too.

David Dillenberg
David Dillenberg
3 years ago

The successful exception to the rule is supposedly inferior Leicester City, a well run club with everybody seemingly pulling in the same direction?!!

James McKevitt.
James McKevitt.
3 years ago

When Spurs start spending the same on transfer fees and wages as City, Chelsea and Liverpool they’ll start winning things. All the rest about ENIC and managers is just noise.

3 years ago

What would sacking Maureen achieve? It would make me happy for a start, I find it increasingly difficult to watch his boring brand of football!

3 years ago
Reply to  Oh Danny Boy

As for the first paragraph, the answer is “finishing 6th, and also not getting relegated”, which seemed to be the trajectory we were on.

The next transfer window is absolutely crucial and will show us (again) where we stand. Take a risk and buy a few players to get to the CL or whine about the covid situation all summer and watch our best two players leave?

3 years ago

A master from another era. Mourinho’s success was built on having a close personal connection with his players. Worked for players born in the late 70s & 80s. The younger the squads have gotten, the lesser his ability to connect personally. It’s not a criticism of a fantastic manager, it’s just his brand of management was based so much on personal connection that he will not be able to replicate with younger people.

We need to rebuild using Kane money, but in the same way Liverpool did with Coutinho money or Atletico always do. In other words, purchase two top class players. Do we want to give that kind of purchasing power to a manager who never goes beyond a 3rd season?

3 years ago
Reply to  Oh Danny Boy

If Kane goes, Son will probably want to leave as well. Big summer for Danny Boy Levy. The pipes are indeed calling

Oh Danny Boy
Oh Danny Boy
3 years ago

It’s a question for the end of the season. If we lose the cup and don’t make top four the post title could equally read “What was achieved by hiring Mourinho?” or “What was achieved by sacking Poch?”
I naturally reside at the delusional end of the spectrum and think we can achieve both.. But if we don’t i’m not sure I can stomach another season like this…more so minus Kane.

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