“Weak” “Snakes” “Wasters” Fan Backlash Just Hit A New Level Of Ugly With Many Fans

It’s difficult to know where precisely all this bitterness and anger might lead. Having been watching Spurs for 40 years god help me, this is the nastiest it has got. I accept that the Internet has aided the venom, and it would not be unfair to suggest that people who have been subjected to prolonged periods of lockdown have been becoming tetchy.

Reports have been doing the rounds that some – as yet unnamed – Tottenham players decided that José being fired was a reason for celebrating – curiously these players were in the gym when this occurred. I take a view that it may not be difficult to identify these players.

These are the essentially same mob of players that whined and bleated Pochettino wasn’t their cup of tea either, so I take a view that all these hurty feelings would be more tolerable if these so-called professional footballers could bother themselves to win something once in a while – and I’m not talking about the odd game.

A fanbase shouldn’t feel like this. So well done boys. A real achievement.