Home » Video Evidence: Serge Aurier Is Lucky He Wasn’t Knocked Out By Pogba

Video Evidence: Serge Aurier Is Lucky He Wasn’t Knocked Out By Pogba

By The Boy -

More love for VAR. How on earth anyone can watch this and put it down to the rough and tumble of the game is beyond me, especially in the context of a game that was littered with little digs and half-concealed blows.

For years, we’ve been waiting for technology, and when they do introduce it, it’s implemented by Mr. Magoo impressionists. This is cheating and this Manchester United side is making a fine art of it. More cheats to follow.

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3 years ago

Pogba knew what he was doing here, no doubt. A naughty challenge that wasn’t even raised by Sky’s Utd love in duo of Tyler and Gary Neville at the time or the fence sitters on BBC. That I can understand, but for VAR to rule it out is obscene.

I loved it when Gary Neville said that Utd’s front three work well in tandem.

Urbane Sturgeon
Urbane Sturgeon
3 years ago
Reply to  JimmyGrievance

Ha Ha Ha …. don’t give Maureen ideas, he’ll start publicly clubbing half the squad.

Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
3 years ago

Jamie O Hara said earlier stop changing the game, leave it alone. Stop trying to make it perfect….it’s not. Exactly right. VAR is farcical nonsense that will never work in football. Goal line technology is black and white….the rest of it is not.
Saw at the bookies Spurs are just 11/4 to beat City in the final. That’s normal time too I think. Awful value and tells me all I need to know. Jose has his name on that trophy…..and the bookies know it.

3 years ago

How that was not a straight red I will never know. Var seen it but did nothing

3 years ago

Perhaps a bang on the head might jolt Aurier into realising he’s a professional footballer

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