Home » Mourinho: Two Ruled Out Of Man United Clash

Mourinho: Two Ruled Out Of Man United Clash

By The Boy -

Spurs host Manchester United this weekend and the first piece of team news is out courtesy of Press Association Sport’s Jonathan Veal. Without seeking to be rude, the absence of Ben Davies and Matt Doherty is unlikely to particularly hinder our chances.

Despite the occasionally terminal mood outside the club, we’ve played well at home recently, winning three straight Premier League games, however, by the same token, our last three league defeats here came against sides that were in top seven placings.

Tottenham has lost just one of their last eight Premier League home games. Scoring first and then slipping into an incompetence coma is a big worry. So don’t read this next bit – Nobody has outscored Manchester United after the 80th minute in the league. Hopefully, our coaches can communicate this risk to our valiant boys.

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3 years ago
Reply to  Cali

You need to weed out racists. That is obvious. You also need to weed out people riding the anti-racism wave and using it to push their own agendas.

Idiots on the internet and social media using anonymity to promote racist abuse should be identified and punished. But the match had

  • numerous dangerous fouls from a side intent on bullying a smaller team into submission, as if it were the 80s
  • a guy kicking in the keeper’s head
  • two red cards (and more should have been given to Rangers, as they imploded)
  • a guy punching a player behind the scenes, later smearing the player and his club through the media
  • and some alleged abuse.

How come we are really only discussing the last point? This sets an awful precedent.

3 years ago
Reply to  Essex Tony

Exactly. Evidence has been sadly lacking lately – and if you just take a quick glance at social media, Rangers fan groups refer to Slavia almost exclusively as “racists”, as in “Arsenal are playing the racists, good luck”, or they endorse the elbow Bale gave Kudela.


Steve 'Killer Cushion' Williams
Steve 'Killer Cushion' Williams
3 years ago

Was worried when I saw the photo of Toby. We need him for this one.. Tough game.. Expecting a 433 or a similar variation.. I would go with Lloris.. Reggy Rodon,Toby, Aurier.. Pierre, Tanguy, Lucas.. Son, Kane, Coco….. If ANYBODY is not pulling their weight like Tanguy and Son then I want to see early subs.. Time for everyone at the club to step up, from the players and manager, to the ball boy and the tea lady.

3 years ago
Reply to  CzechSpur

I’m not saying or condoning those who make false accusation shouldn’t be punished I believe they should be hold accountable and punished accordingly but the numbers you cannot compare so when you sort out 1st the ones who are racists when you done that it is easy to pinpoint and punish the false accusers that is my opinion look it is gone where some players are closing their accounts on Facebook Twitter etc can you imagine that and it is happening daily I hope you get my point.

Essex Tony
Essex Tony
3 years ago
Reply to  CzechSpur

Absolutely spot on. Too much trial by media and opinion in my view. The kangaroo court of public opinion and outrage is in full force. The authorities would never dare sanction a player for making a false accusation in case it was seen that they were being racist as well. Racism or any form of abuse is utterly unacceptable in any form or
content but those that cry wolf need to understand that you can’t throw such accusations around without some form of punishment due to the impact it has on those wrongly accused.

Last edited 3 years ago by Essex Tony
3 years ago
Reply to  Cali

No. And have you seen a player who falsely accused others of racism suffer consequences? See Rudiger V Spurs (and his previous incident in Italy), now the Spain case and possibly the incident in Slavia/Rangers. Rudiger just immediately screamed racism and later, no proof at all was found. But people now refer to the “racism incident at Spurs” and we’ve been tarred with the racism brush.

There should have been an apology. Or at the very least, an admission that he might have misheard. But nothing like that happened.

If there’s proof of racism, go ahead and hit the player with a VERY serious ban. If there is no proof, then the accuser should be punished for lies. In the Slavia/Rangers case, Kamara also punched Kudela and the outrage arguably made Bale elbow him. The damage to the reputation of both club and player has already been done, with no proof whatsoever, which I find concerning.

3 years ago
Reply to  CzechSpur

Have you ever seen in your lifetime a player that has been accused racism comes out in public and says yes I said that I’m racist? Does John Terry or Suarez sound familiar then we can discuss the rest cheers.

Last edited 3 years ago by Cali
3 years ago

OT: Following alleged racism from Juan Cala, Mouctar Diakhaby and the rest of the Valencia team left the pitch in a game against Cadiz. The match was resumed 20 minutes later with Cala substituted at HT and Diakhaby not returning.

Cala didn’t cover his mouth while saying something to Diakhaby, so lip reading and behaviour experts were involved. And brace yourselves – LaLiga have found no evidence of racial abuse.

I wonder what will happen to the player making false allegations that could have seriously damaged another player’s reputation and career? Hmmm.

Still waiting with bated breath to hear the results of the Kamara-Kudela investigation – so far, Slavia claims that the UEFA investigation found no proof of racism. However, many people have been quick to stand with Kamara and Slavia’s reputation has been tarnished, irrespective of the investigation’s conclusions. Kudela got punched by the “victim” and got an elbow to the face for his troubles and has been admitted to a hospital since.

3 years ago

It’s our right side we’ve got to sort short term, as it feels we are targeted that side. Opposition seem to feel we’ve threat or solidity there. Bergwijn did well but lack of chipping in which goals means opp LB can push up that side as well.

3 years ago

Our back 4 are as watertight as a pair of pants, and about as good.

Last edited 3 years ago by mikeyhughes
Essex Tony
Essex Tony
3 years ago

In the immortal words of Pvt Frazer from Dad’s Army, “We’re all doomed, doomed I tell ye!!”.

Kevin Freund
Kevin Freund
3 years ago

Ole team talk ‘ lads we are all a bit tired just do 1 thing , pass the ball to any of their back 4 , let them do the work for us – it’ll be a goal fest ‘

3 years ago

Shame, absolute crying shame 🤦🏼‍♂️

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