Home » Tottenham star explains what mentality he has to help end their trophy drought

Tottenham star explains what mentality he has to help end their trophy drought

By Eddie Razo -

Although Tottenham Hotspur is fighting for the top four spot, the 2021-22 season marks another year in which the north London club will go trophyless, extending its drought to 14 years. 

Spurs brought in manager Antonio Conte, who’s use to contending for trophies, to help them secure a trophy for the first time since 2008. Furthermore, it seems as though players on the squad want to deliver some silverware.

In an interview with the Daily Mail, Pierre-Emile Højbjerg spoke about wanting to compete for trophies, and although Tottenham has struggled in this department, the 26-year-old wants to change this narrative at the club and the perspective some feel when they think about Spurs. 

“I want to try and play for the big titles,” Højbjerg said. “I’m not scared to say when you go to Tottenham; people might not expect you to win things because of recent history. I fully understand that but really want to change the cycle. Also, for my own career, my ambition, I want to fight.”

Furthermore, Højbjerg spoke about what has changed since the arrival of Conte in November. The midfielder states that demand for perfection is one area he noticed a change since it can differentiate between winning and losing. 

“The demand for perfection in training caught my eye straight away,” Højbjerg said. “It can be the difference between winning or not, achieving your goals, being a champion.”

“It excited me because you start to look up. He is demanding of us as sportsmen but also gives you responsibility. You are allowed to prepare the best way you see it.”

It will be interesting to see if Højbjerg can end the silverware drought during his stint in north London, which sees him with the club until 2025. 

Tags Antonio Conte NewsNow Pierre-Emile Hojbjerg Tottenham Hotspur

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Archibald&Crooks (SC)
Archibald&Crooks (SC)
2 years ago

Some time ago some site (and apols I cant remember which one) posted up the expected finishes of every PL team say in the last 10 years.
I cant remember exactly what it was for Spurs but from memory – and someone find it and put it up – it was like 2 PL titles/3 FA Cups/! League Cup/2 UEFA
I know this is all on paper but I spent the rest of the day crying into my Babycham.

Dont give me this Shiny Stadium crep I give you £700m debt.
Don’t give me NFL/Guns ‘n Roses/Toys R Us
I have zero interest in anything apart from THFC Football Club being successful.

I will explain to the slower amongst us.
When we have won the PL and then fought like tigers to retain it I will happily thank the Shiny Stadium & Lady Gaga but not before then.

Archibald&Crooks (SC)
Archibald&Crooks (SC)
2 years ago
Reply to  judge

I;m sure you used to post sensibly Judgey.

2 years ago

You’re absolutely right – if we have any ambition to win the Prem , we wont be winning with this team/squad .
However there are positives , finishing 4th behind , i believe unarguably the top two teams IN THE WORLD , and 1 spot behind current Champs League holders AND World Club champions is not an embarrassing position , in fact I would take pride in that .
Of course we have some ways to go but the positives are 1] A fantastic stadium which is also a considerable cash cow to have . 2] A world renowned manager , capable of producing fabulous football teams 3] Harry Kane – need I say more of him ? 4] I never understand that inborne pessimism of the Tottenham supporter , we have loved our team since ‘birth’ almost , we’ve had Days Of Glory before , some marvellous nights at The Lane that I’LL NEVER forget , and right now is the best chance we’ve ever had to break back into the big time .
A few shrewd moves and its achievable , winning our Premier League the single most important ‘thing’ , I’d go to my grave happy !
I love my football club , for all its faults , I am excited for the future and my heart , my mind says its there in front of us if we dare to dream !
I love this game , dont you ???????????/

Limerick AL.
Limerick AL.
2 years ago
Reply to  judge

We have Blown the Chance for 4th this Season . West Ham will roll over for Arsenal later today, make no mistake regardless of our Result against Leicester. Levy and Enic are Vampires .

Glory Costs Too Much
Glory Costs Too Much
2 years ago
Reply to  judge

Top 4 is not a trophy in any way shape or form any more than top 6 is to Wolves or whoever.
So your’re saying that there are four top 4 trophies from the Poch era in our trophy cabinet? Funny I don’t recall seeing them.
The top signings if we get top 4 is a myth. H recently did a blog listing the signings we made when we had regular top 4 and not one of them was a CL quality signing. CL football won’t make an iota of difference to Levy, it didn’t last time.
In fact there is a good argument for saying if we did get top 4 this season then Levy would think “we did it anyway, why bother?”
Whereas if we only finish 5th then Levy has real incentive to spend doesn’t he?
Trophies are what Kane wants not top 4 placings – how can he show them off to his grandkids? He wanted to leave to win trophies with Man City, not to get top 4.

Limerick AL.
Limerick AL.
2 years ago

and have a substantial Fanbase who believe that these Trophies are beneath them ? The Mind Boggles.

James McKevitt.
James McKevitt.
2 years ago

So really we need to win an FA Cup or League Cup, because they are not winning the Premier League.

After all this investment Spurs are back where they started as a Cup winning team, except they no longer win Cups.

2 years ago

Does that mean the fight for glory has stalled ?
The 4th spot is a trophy , it may not involve silverware as such but it does open doors re top notch signings – they wont come without CL dates to brag about.
We have to , for now , content ourselves with being the ‘Bridesmaid’ , because that is the next step And it deprives THEM of the bragging rights that fourth would bring . It also gives Harry less reason to leave along with the main man – Antonio .
We would survive without them , but we CAN THRIVE with them .
I know that at some stage the Chairman must loosen purse strings , but he sure aint gonna do it if were not in the forefront of European football.
We’ve made a couple of very good signings of late , what would happen if we made a couple of great ones ?? C O Y S !!!!!!!!

Glory Costs Too Much
Glory Costs Too Much
2 years ago

Trophies should now be priority. PEH has the right desire. I’m fed up with this top 4 nonsense tbh. It’s encouraged solely because it brings Levy and enic riches. It’s not a trophy and nor should it be treated as one. You can’t put it into a cabinet in our empty trophy room or hire a double-decker bus to drive through a sea of white in London. Spurs fans used to taunt Wenger for treating top 4 like a trophy.
Just cast your mind back to our humiliation in the Conference league this season. There is no way we could get out of a CL group right now.
If Levy splashes the cash this summer on the quality players Conte wants and changes his MO from buying other clubs deadwood to buying winners, maybe we can compete for the Europa league and get into the CL that way. But make no mistake we won’t get top 4 next season with Europa league every Thursday night along with a likely resurgent Man U and a Newcastle on the up, without spending very big money this summer and early enough for Conte to have a pre season with the new players. Can you really see Levy doing that?
Those glory nights under Poch are long gone.

Last edited 2 years ago by Glory Costs Too Much
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