Tottenham Residents vs, Austerity

Supporting and Defending Our Public Services

Lordship Hub, Lordship Recreation Ground, Higham Road, London, N17 6NU (by the lake)

Haringey VCS Meeting

At the last Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) Forum meeting held on 10 April 2017, it was agreed to bring VCS organisations together to talk about public services in Haringey to ensure the voices of the voluntary sector are heard in decision making processes.

The many organisations in the sector naturally want to see the best conditions, opportunities and outcomes for all sections of our communities.

Haringey residents rely on a wide array of public services and facilities, provided by a range of organisations including the Council, the NHS, Transport for London and so on.

In the light of current ‘austerity’ policies, how do we as a sector support, protect and grow these vital services, and use our influence to ensure as best as we can that they remain available, affordable and effective for all?

The meeting will include a ‘case study’ presentation about Haringey’s Parks and Green Spaces – How the borough’s Friends Groups are working with the Council to try to protect and improve these vital public spaces.

All Haringey VCS organisations are invited to attend and take part in the discussion on:

Monday, 26 June 2017 at 2-4pm
Lordship Hub, Lordship Recreation Ground, Higham Road, London, N17 6NU.

To book a place, please click here: