Tottenham Product Aimed At Those Earning £90,000 pa+


Large scale planning application from developer Argent for Tottenham Hale HGY/2018/2223: Six sites and not one social housing unit.

This is to let you know that the developer Argent has now submitted its major planning application for six sites in Tottenham Hale. These sites are situated around Tottenham Hale Underground station with at least one building rising to 38 storeys. (See table below for site descriptions, height and tenure.)

Our worst fears have been realised. There is not one home for social rent in this entire six-site portfolio. The total number of homes being applied for is 1,036 and the number of “affordable” homes amounts to just 24%; all of which is the intermediate product of Shared Ownership i.e. unaffordable for most Tottenham residents.

[NB: Shared ownership properties are properties that can be bought in tranches with an initial purchase of between 25% and 75% of the property value with options to staircase to 100% ownership. Any remaining percentage of the property not purchased is rented. Ground rent and service charges come on top. A 10% deposit is required for mortgages. This product is aimed at people earning up to £90,000pa.]

Now is the time to send in objections and we are asking as many people as possible to do this. In order to make this happen and to keep people informed we are organising a meeting on Tuesday 4 September, 2018 at 7pm at a venue in Tottenham to be confirmed. [See above details]

The consultation date has been extended to 17 September 2018 but it is really important that as many people as possible have their say by submitting an objection to the plans. If you think this development is unacceptable please do make your voice heard. The planning application can be accessed HERE

Scroll down to find the application number: HGY/2018/2223.

The application hearing will come before Haringey’s Planning Committee on Monday 19 November, 2018.

The Tottenham meeting on 4 September is intended to be a working and information gathering event with the intention of helping people to submit their objections and to provide any updates. If you have never made a planning objection before we will help you to do this.

Dates for your diary:
Tuesday 4 September, 2018, 7pm: Meeting of residents, experts and other objectors. (Venue tbc)
Monday 17 September, 2018: Deadline for planning application consultation.
November, 2018: Haringey Planning Committee to hear application.

Please feel free to pass on this information to anyone who has an interest in speaking out against this development.