Tottenham Hotspur Supporters’ Trust Declares War On Rational Thought |opinion

The Tottenham Hotspur Supporters’ Trust has declared was on ENIC. This may sound dramatic, but the reality is that this is the equivalent of a man dressed as a fish finger declaring war on Captain Birdseye.

The full text of the outraged mob is here but in a nutshell, they want the current board to resign and for ENIC to install ‘some other people’ in its stead, plus a competition winner from the Supporters’ Trust to sit on the board.

As discussed in recent videos by The Boy the outrage surrounding this entire European Super League business strikes me as faux as artificial snow. The list of ‘crimes’ against the best interests of this football club at the hands of ENIC is a lengthy one. We’ve covered all of them in this blog over the last decade or so.

The reality is that we do not live in a Marxist state and so hurty feelings count for little against the way things in the UK operate, and so 90% of people on a phone-in thankfully can’t affect change against a private business.