Home » Too easy to be negative about Tottenham when there are actually many positives

Too easy to be negative about Tottenham when there are actually many positives

It has become noticeable over the last few days that giving Tottenham a good kicking is the hip thing to do, especially by Spurs fans themselves.

In fact, I get the impression in some quarters that if you dare say anything positive about Tottenham then you know nothing about football and are not a “genuine” Spurs fan.

It is obvious that Tottenham is not in a good place right now and if you spin it right, the club is in terminal decline with no way back.

All ridiculous of course and anyone with a tiny bit of perspective can see that the positives far outweigh the negatives.

Tottenham does have a good squad, it is far from being the best in the league but it is definitely a top-six squad and that is proven by the league standings.

Spurs are seventh right now and with their run-in, there is every chance that they will end the season in a top-six place. Now, think about that for a second, a top-six team finishing in the top six, who would have thought?

Tottenham have reached a cup final this season, Liverpool, for example, have not and don’t get me started on Arsenal and the state of that club.

The stadium cannot be ignored, because it will drive income to new heights and that gives Tottenham an advantage going forward, it will be a cash cow that the other top-six sides can only dream of.

There is no manager but even that is a positive because it means that the club has acted, unlike Arsenal who will have to act sooner rather than later but whenever it is, they will be behind us.

Does Spurs need to move some players on? of course they do but so does all the top clubs, we are not alone in that, neither are we alone in having had a poor season, just look around us.

The future remains bright for Tottenham, fans are starting to come back and that means the club can start to get their finances under control, a new manager will be brought in and there is no reason not to be positive about that either.

Players will be sold and new ones signed and we will see a very different Spurs next season.

It has been a woeful season, we have been a great disappointment, we have lost our manager and the club is in horrendous debt but the future looks bright, money will come back and under a new manager there may well be an upturn in form, it will not take too much.

I know it is easy to be all negative right now but not me, I am positive and reckon next season will see us back being competitive once again.

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3 years ago
Reply to  Essex Tony

So you think Tottenham will act the same with money coming in compared to when it wasn’t? No way. I know you don’t like hearing that coz you want to believe Tottenham are hopeless. Well I do believe things will change. Hate me for it

3 years ago
Reply to  Essex Tony

Well that’s not what I hear. Consortiums would be interested. Anyway Tottenham won’t be sold for a good while. Levy saving up. He’s got a billion already: ~}

Essex Tony
Essex Tony
3 years ago
Reply to  Tappaspur

Any successful business operator will not take on such high levels of leveraged debt as there’s nothing in it for them. Take the Glazers, they leveraged Utd to earn the millions they wanted, no business can do that here. Annual earnings is irrelevant to these guys, they want big earnings quickly, that’s how they got successful in the first place. You then factor in the cost of updating the squad and you’ve got a lot of spending to do for not a lot of initial return. Something these types of business person don’t like.

Buffalo Soldier
Buffalo Soldier
3 years ago

2 x 6th place finishes

crack open the Champagne

3 years ago
Reply to  Pablito

Plenty wrong with our playing squad? A few need to be moved on no doubt. Not half the team. Tottenham will be fine. New manager and some ins and outs and we’ll be ready to fight. People going on like we’re doomed. Nope. Talk about panicking. Losing their heads some fans are.
Enic out? What’s a new owner gonna do give Tottenham money to spend? We don’t need it we make our own. Better the devil you know. Enic don’t take any money out of the club. New owners might. Levy. For me deserves a chance at the new lane. How does anyone know how levy will operate now (new lane) just have to wait and see. I’m of the opinion levy gonna spend

Last edited 3 years ago by Tappaspur
3 years ago
Reply to  Tappaspur

Nothing wrong with a retractable pitch or the longest bar in Europe. Plenty wrong with our playing squad and I fear ENIC aren’t so interested in making that the best or biggest in Europe. I understand football is a business but for ENIC its business before football.

3 years ago

Tottenham are hopeless. Struth

3 years ago
Reply to  Dan

Worst state we’ve ever been in? Oh come on.

3 years ago
Reply to  Pablito

What’s wrong with the longest bar in Europe? Less waiting time. There’s not a club in the world that wouldn’t want our set up. (Retractable pitch) shopping centre with no shops. Will you be coating our stadium off forever? Long time

3 years ago
Reply to  Lord Croker

Trophies coming. We’re new in. I know people don’t like to hear that though. They like to believe Tottenham are hopeless

3 years ago
Reply to  Osvaldo

Arsenal are sh!t though

3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

He certainly has.

3 years ago
Reply to  mikeyhughes

FCK Leeds and FCK the service crew. Big fan of the manager though I am. I wanted him in after poch. I wouldn’t spend a penny with them mugs. They think they’re bigger than Tottenham

3 years ago
Reply to  Essex Tony

You don’t think anyone will buy Tottenham? They fkin will. They’ll see Tottenham can earn and the debt is a 25 year bond.

3 years ago

Bruce. People think Tottenham are finished (RIP) unbelievable. I’m certainly not panicking. Good manager with a few ins and out and we’ll be fine. The way some people are talking. I don’t get it.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Fkin doom&gloom.

3 years ago

The stadium that pays the big Kane sonny ndom wages. Anyway you don’t wanna like our fantastic home its up to you. Your grandkids will love it

3 years ago
Reply to  Andrew

Where do you think the money will go?

3 years ago
Reply to  MitchellThomas

We’ve waited this long. All I know is Tottenham can buy good player’s now and afford to pay them. I really ain’t worried. Tottenham gonna come good. If people chose not to believe that its up to them I suppose.

3 years ago
Reply to  Tappaspur

The way people are talking below anyone would think we are QPR.

3 years ago
Reply to  matt

Stuffed for 5 years? Never. 5 years? Come on man

3 years ago
Reply to  mikeyhughes

Gone down the swanny? How bad do you think we are? We only need 3 or four in. Things are not as bad as people are making out. The mighy Tottenham will be fine. Where do people think Tottenham will be in a few years time? I’ll tell you where. Right up there. Not many on here believe that though. I do but hey I believe in Tottenham and I’m so glad I do. YIDZ.

3 years ago
Reply to  Pablito

The other pitch is about bringing dough in. Simple. Without dough in this game you’re fckd. Whether or not you think the dough is going back into the squad (players and wages is up to you.

Paul Donovan
Paul Donovan
3 years ago

Agree with that statement totally. A disgrace

3 years ago

Some fans saying RIP TOTTENHAM and all that nonsense. Some fans also think money made in the stadium (will be a lot ) won’t be invested back into the squad. Based on the old lane. Unbelievable. Apparently levy has no interest in winning stuff . OK then

3 years ago

Tottenham are ok. I’m not all all concerned about Tottenhams future. You won’t see me jumping on the club like some fans do. Tottenham strong. Futures bright

3 years ago

Beautiful pic of the stadium. Wicked feat of engineering. The ring that holds up the roof. I remember I wasn’t working the Sunday they elevated it yet I still went in to see. The sliding pitch mechanism is brilliant too. I don’t think much of the Harmon kardon system though. Shoulda gone with jbl. Milwall boys on the job caused nuff damage in there. (Fibre optics) mugs. Tools were going missing left right and centre too. It was bad. Rival fans were pi$$ing everywhere. Levy had a man checking all social media re videos ect. Nuff man got sacked for it. I told’m. I’m sure I chucked harry a bit about the foxes eating the plastic pitch

Last edited 3 years ago by Tappaspur
David Dillenberg
David Dillenberg
3 years ago
Reply to  matt

or a relegation scrap. Unlikely but feasible!

David Dillenberg
David Dillenberg
3 years ago

Prediction an all English Arsenal v Man Utd final!

David Dillenberg
David Dillenberg
3 years ago
Reply to  Osvaldo

I see Arsenals semi final opponents are Villarreal. Currently 7th in the Spanish La Liga they possess 2 ex Spurs players namely Messrs Capoue and Foyth respectively!

Limerick AL.
Limerick AL.
3 years ago

You are not well. 🐑

3 years ago

Maybe it’s the only thing that might focus ENIC minds. When and if revenue streams start coming back to the club why would anyone think that revenue would be invested in the squad anyway.

James McKevitt
James McKevitt
3 years ago
Reply to  Osvaldo

Heard a good answer from Danny Murphy, somebody asked how do Spurs lose their bottlers tag and get a winning mentality. “You buy it” Simples.

3 years ago

Back to mid table obscurity

David Dillenberg
David Dillenberg
3 years ago
Reply to  Osvaldo

Yep on the big stage you wanted the potent telepathy between Kane and Son to be working in perfect harmony at Wembley sadly was completely missing!! In fact not sure what the problem was but never seen Son have such a mare. Whilst he has had some poor matches his woeful performance in the Final takes some beating!!

Last edited 3 years ago by David Dillenberg
White hot
White hot
3 years ago

Correct if I’m wrong but last September you said we were assured of silverware and a top 4 finish. Get real Bruce.

3 years ago

I can fully see Arsenal winning the Europa League and bagging Champions league football.
Despite Arsenal being terrible in the league for last few seasons they still win things.
They have a winning mentality. Spurs don’t.
Our big players go missing. Son was terrible on Sunday and not great in the CL final. Kane played both struggling with injury, when he probably shouldnt have started either.

3 years ago

I notice you’ve avoided mentioning the fact that ENIC are not interested in competing on the pitch (as evidenced by the past 22+years). Yes the stadium may eventually generate lots of income but if none of it is invested to improve what actually happens on the green rectangle in the middle of the shopping centre, what benefit does it bring to Tottenham Hotspur FOOTBALL CLUB as opposed to the ENIC investment company? You don’t get points or trophies for having a retractable pitch or the longest bar in Europe.

3 years ago
Reply to  mikeyhughes

Yep fair point.

3 years ago
Reply to  mikeyhughes

Bielsa has done a good job

David Dillenberg
David Dillenberg
3 years ago
Reply to  matt

Sadly should irreplaceable Kane depart in the summer where do we go from here??

Essex Tony
Essex Tony
3 years ago

Only ENIC knows that. We are powerless to do anything meaningful except not renew season tickets, don’t buy merchandise etc, but that isn’t going to happen. No one is going to want to buy us with the level of debt and cough up extra dosh for the level of investment required in the squad. Whilst ENICs property portfolio is successful they’ll be around and won’t want to sell.

Welcome to hell….

3 years ago

Yes I too feel like a defining moment has been reached.

David Dillenberg
David Dillenberg
3 years ago
Reply to  matt

Perhaps but you do sense that the club has reached a defining critical point!

3 years ago

In summary then ‘Bruce’:
Jam tomorrow again is it?

3 years ago
Reply to  Dan

At least Liverpool have won major trophies in the last 2 seasons, so no the comparison is not fair.

Richard David Bernard Taylor
Richard David Bernard Taylor
3 years ago
Reply to  Dan

Liverpool probably won’t have so many injured players next season; but we’ll still have crap ones!

David Dillenberg
David Dillenberg
3 years ago
Reply to  Essex Tony

So whats the end game??

3 years ago

I’m not spending another penny on this club whilst it’s run by the poison dwarf. I’ll take my money and spend it on Leeds instead, at least they’re a proper football club.

Lord Croker
Lord Croker
3 years ago

Nah not won over. Still a bare Trophy cabinet.

Essex Tony
Essex Tony
3 years ago

Preaching to the choir, Dilly. ENIC don’t measure success in terms of trophies, just how big their business portfolio has grown.

3 years ago

Come on Bruce we have gone down the swanny. Just recently under Poch we were a regular top 4 side, just prior to that we were favourites for the PL title. We were serious contenders for every competition, not just the mickey mouse cup.
Now it’s true we might just scrape ropey again, big deal, we spent years trying to get out of that darn thing. What you conveniently forget is that the likes of Kane and Son are not going to hang around with such an obvious lack of investment and ambition.Then are we a top 6 side?
We’re in serious decline, all of it self induced by the board. What manager worth is salt is going to want to take on this poison chalice. Brendan Rodgers preferring to stay at lowly Leicester says it all really.

David Dillenberg
David Dillenberg
3 years ago

Ah yes 1991 winning the FA Cup Final!

Richard David Bernard Taylor
Richard David Bernard Taylor
3 years ago

You’re perhaps just referring to the ENIC era, but it’s two (diminished in stature) league cups in 30 years. We haven’t won anything else since 1991.

David Dillenberg
David Dillenberg
3 years ago
Reply to  Essex Tony

Sure we are all life long Spurs fans living in” hope”, but for a club of Spurs stature only to have won 2 trophies in the last 20 + years is putting it mildly very disappointing!!

David Dillenberg
David Dillenberg
3 years ago

A potential toxic atmosphere inside the stadium of disgruntled fans squabbling amongst themselves which happened in the final days of the Wenger reign is a sad indictment on the club!

Last edited 3 years ago by David Dillenberg
Essex Tony
Essex Tony
3 years ago

Even if they all voted with their feet there would be plenty of tourists to fill the gaps. It won’t happen anyway because we supporters always live in hope….

3 years ago

I hope so. A message needs to be sent. But I expect there will always be enough people on the waiting list for Levy to not be worried.

3 years ago
Reply to  Essex Tony


David Dillenberg
David Dillenberg
3 years ago
Reply to  Essex Tony

Will the fans renew season tickets or like Richard Littlejohn simply call it a day and vote with their feet?!!

3 years ago

Nah, we are stuffed. For at least 5 years I reckon. Levy won’t fluke it into a good squad before that will he. I feel sorry for Kane, Son, Mora, Hojbjerg and Lloris because they seem to be the only true professionals in the squad and have wasted their time believing like I have. Maybe i’m wrong and the cheque book will come out in the next year or so and we will be showered with top class signings. But bet i’m right.

Essex Tony
Essex Tony
3 years ago

Oh, come on Bruce!! Liverpool have had a crap season but won the premier league last year and the CL before that.

Arsenal have won an FA recently and are in with a good shout at the Europa League and his help us if they win that!!

Getting into the top six is the only thing we can glean out of another season with no footballing achievements and that is simply not good enough.

I appreciate that you want to be an optimist but what we need is a healthy dose of realism. There are many factors as to why we are serial non-achievers but the main reason sits in his ivory tower screwing up the footballing side of the club and getting everyone else to take the blame.

When fans can return to stadiums and more money starts to come back in to the club do you honestly believe it will lead to any change in the style and management of the club?? Frankly, I don’t see it and have had enough of the jam tomorrow line to last me several lifetimes.

David Dillenberg
David Dillenberg
3 years ago

Whilst I am happy to look on the bright side – what positives?!!, other than we are effectively a one man team (which we knew anyway) possibly about to lose our prized asset, King Kane in the summer there are no positives surrounding the club (searching for a new manager) in complete disarray on and off the pitch!! If this was the supposed pivotal season that we were meant to win some silverware we have failed again!! I see that a protest is organised at the final home match of the season!

Last edited 3 years ago by David Dillenberg
3 years ago

Go On, Bruce, let us have a moan for a few days, I think we are entitled to get it out of our system after everything recently. Maybe May will lead to more positive thoughts.

3 years ago

Arsenal still have a chance to be in a cup final…and probably should get to a cup final. So I don’t think we can really say anything. If they win the Europa this year that is 2 trophies in 2 seasons for Arteta. Also means CL football for them next year.

The Liverpool comparison is fair, I certainly don’t believe its all doom and gloom at Spurs but I personally think we are in the worst shape we have ever been.

Squad with too many players that need to be moved on for their own good, currently no manager and no names in the frame to get excited about, an enigmatic superstar making noises about leaving, an owner and chairman who won’t address the issues on the pitch in terms of squad investment and who off it has irreparably damaged the reputation of the club by refusing to apologise for the ESL scandal (aside from the “I’m sorry you’re upset” angle).

Having said that. We ended last season in 6th on 59 points – with 5 games to go we should surpass that this year. Top 4 was on 66 points last year which is also achievable for us.

Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
3 years ago

*picture of stadium


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