Today’s Actually Been A Very Good Day For Daniel Levy

The Portuguese Pulis É Demitido

So farewell then José, it was nice – not while it lasted – but before it started. Like a dream, lots of things are wonderful. Once Tottenham Hotspur Football Club becomes involved in those things, it invariably becomes one of those dreams where one wakes up drenched sweat, screaming.

I remain of the view that nobody can coach this squad into a position of success, but then Daniel Levy has been here before, and now with the European Super League going full steam ahead, there is a big slice of elite footballing cash incoming. Cash that will make the departure of Mourinho less painful and the appointment of anyone less… prohibitive.

What truth there is in the rumour surrounding the catalyst of today’s sacking is largely irrelevant. When you’re gone, you’re gone and the idea of a noble death is best left for the poets.

This has been a good day for Levy. In for a penny, in for several hundred million pounds. I don’t care for the guy, but this has been an absolute masterclass in waste management.