Home » This warrior woman and Spurs fan is raising funds for Sarcoidosis

This warrior woman and Spurs fan is raising funds for Sarcoidosis

By The Boy -

Alison is a great friend of mine and her son has Pulmonary Sarcoidosis.

This is a condition that I had myself for many years. When I was first diagnosed, I had no idea how dangerous the bloody thing was.

Ally is a very determined woman and, unsurprisingly to me, has fought for every single bit of healthcare for her boy who has been housebound for a year, during the NHS’ prolonged obsession with Covid.

Sarcoidosis UK is a tiny charity that exists to provide support and information for people with sarcoidosis and fund research into a cure for the condition. It is currently among the world’s largest sarcoidosis research funders and is passionate about helping to find a cure.

Sarcoidosis UK is dedicated to funding the condition, and they will continue to do this until a cure is found. Please donate – they rely on your support to keep going.

What can I do?

Ally will run 15 miles for 15 days for Sarcoidosis here you can make a small donation, not just for her son, but for this entire debilitating disease.

If we met, would you buy me a pint? Triffic, then perhaps put one behind the bar for my pal Ally, her son, and all the others who get this nasty thing?

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Urbane Sturgeon
Urbane Sturgeon
2 years ago

Not buying you a pint Aitch, but I’ll pour you a glass of this Black Queen sparkling Shiraz and drink in on your behalf. Cheers

2 years ago

Knowing you, it would be half empty 😛

James McKevitt.
James McKevitt.
2 years ago

Pleased to help a fellow Spur.

Lilywhite withtout the II
Lilywhite withtout the II
2 years ago

I can barely walk 15 mins for 15 days so good luck to her…I’d buy you a beer H, be it only half 😝

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