This Team And This Coach Are A Failed Project

My thanks to LegoverLass

This team and this coach are a failed project. The players know and Poch knows that ENIC are simply not going to invest to win anything.

Levy said the other day that the objective is to build a brand/empire of Premier League, Champions League, NFL, rugby and concerts / events.

He said that ENIC will not change their transfer policy and that this is all about building from the bottom up which takes a long time.

19 plus years of ownership and nothing of any note in terms of football success but lots of shiny property assets.

The players don’t care about the club or its owners as they know it is a fake project that pretends it is a top club – but has no desire to invest to be one.

I am actually beginning to dislike the club as it is a reflection of ENIC.

HH SAYS: As I type, it’s not too tricky to work out how Poch’s post match presser will go.

This was another performance that tells us that something at Tottenham isn’t right.

It’s vital in such times to remember who we are. We’re Spurs fans, not hedge fund managers.