This Sane Fan Gives 3 Reasons We’re Pretty Doomed On The Whole Next Spurs’ Manager Thing

Harry Hotspur’s non-specific gender geezer delivers more sanity…

Why would a quality manager want to join this club?

🌑 It is not in the top tier of European competition. It has destroyed the careers of players by starving them of success, and it has churned managers every two or three years generally.

🌑 It has owners who everyone knows are land and property developers and have no interest in football success. Its brand has become toxic as a result of ENIC and its reputation.

🌑 Unless a manager has a fetish about stadium design and training facilities who of quality and integrity would in their right mind come anywhere near this organization. That includes management and playing staff.

I take a view we’re pretty stuffed. Usually, Daniel Levy has another man up his sleeve. Ask anyone, ask Harry Redknapp.

I’ve now understood plenty of clues about Mourinho’s exit – since his departure – and it’s all too tragic and all too predictable for bloody words.

Ah, well.