Home » The Twilight Zone – Tottenham can still make top-four and here is why

The Twilight Zone – Tottenham can still make top-four and here is why

By Bruce Grove -

Following the weekends’ loss to Manchester United, the general consensus is that Tottenham are now out of the top-four race and it is hard to disagree with that conclusion.

However, if one enters the Twilight Zone, there is a way that Jose Mourinho can guide his under-performing side into a Champions League spot.

Spurs are on 49 points with seven games remaining, in better words, the most points they can attain this season is 70.

That in itself is a long shot, however, if you look at their remaining fixtures, every one of them is winnable.

If Spurs were to face one of the other top-six sides then even the most positive fan would probably accept that it is unlikely to happen, however, they do not, in fact, only one of the remaining opponents is actually above Tottenham in the standing and that is Leicester City, who themselves are in a bit of a free fall.

However, even if Tottenham does win their remaining seven fixtures they would need the teams above them to drop points.

Now, if Spurs do beat Leicester then the foxes would have to drop points in two of their other six remaining games. West Ham would have to lose two of their final seven matches, Liverpool at least one and Chelsea would have to drop points in two of their games as well.

A tall order no doubt, however, it should also be noted that there are two Champions League spots up for grabs if one accepts that Man Utd and Man City are basically already qualified.

This may sound deluded and probably is but if Spurs do win their final seven league games it really is a strong possibility, it is hard to see all the teams above them being consistent right to the end, especially with some fo them having to face each other.

This season still has some twists and turns ahead of it and a good win over Everton on Friday evening and who knows what effect that could have on the team. It needs just one huge result to change momentum.

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Urbane Sturgeon
Urbane Sturgeon
3 years ago
Reply to  Cabspur

Turning into a comedy blog ain’t it.

3 years ago

Spurs may also benefit from not having midweek games. I think players like Lo Celso are quality but he’s missed a lot of the season due to injury and against Utd it did look at times that the midfield and defence aren’t used to playing with each other. Hopefully that will improve.
Have to be optimistic. Need to win against Everton for starters and they didn’t look brilliant against Brighton.

3 years ago
Reply to  Dusty

We can only give opinions based on the evidence in front of us and Spurs have been rubbish for months now. Thats not being negative, its the reality. Good luck to you if you think we can turn it on like a tap for the last 7 games.

3 years ago
Reply to  Spursnutd

So if players proved they did not want it weeks ago, why would they want to beat Aston Villa (Away)??

3 years ago

I admire your optimism but we haven’t put in 1 decent performance for a while so asking for 7 may be a tad too much. I’m praying we hang on & finish above the gooners & my other dilemma is whether it would hurt more if Wet Spam or Cheatski got 4th place. However, I feel we should give Jose one more season, if he has the final decision on who he sells.

3 years ago

So so funny please stop. If we can’t beat the bottom teams how are we going to beat better teams above them. The season is over we had our chance. Players proved they don’t want it weeks ago.

3 years ago

I think I met ur auntie once she was at the back of the shed.

3 years ago

Could’nt agree more with your analysis….I made a similar comment some weeks ago. To add to your comment about teams above Spurs having to lose 2 games for us to benefit, what you did not mention was that these teams ALSO have to either play each other or Man U and Man C as well as play the teams that are fighting in the relegation zone. So that is where these teams will be dropping points (Lose or Draw).
No easy games (especially for the teams fighting for top 4 positions or relegation) as can be seen with WBA (winning against Southampton) and Brighton (drawing with Everton who we play next) fighting to stay in the EPL.
So there is still hope for those fans with positive minds. Unfortunatelty, the negative (doomsday) thinkers will always be different. 🙂

3 years ago

If my auntie had wheels she’d be a bicycle. Spurs fans still clinging on to hopes of a top 4 would do their heads a favour by letting it go. Its vamoose, gone. We haven’t put in a big performance since beating City last year. Our form is terrible. I have long since accepted there will no be CL football next season and I’ve slept marvellously well since.

3 years ago

No no no ,pls stop this.😂

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