The Prime Minister’s brain has been hacked


Today’s  been a strange one so far. The ordinarily asinine Prime Minister has chipped into the Y word debate with bewilderingly astute comment.

You have to think of the mens rea. There’s a difference between Spurs fans self-describing themselves as Yids and someone calling someone a Yid as an insult.

You have to be motivated by hate. Hate speech should be prosecuted — but only when it’s motivated by hate.”

Elsewhere Christian Eriksen’s been wheeled out to make the usual ‘overtake Arsenal’ and ‘this was move just felt’ right comments. I find all this stuff much easier to put up with when the player is actually brilliant on the pitch. Too many years of ***** and Thudd & Co. churning out ‘push on for for the top four’ quotes have made me pretty immune to it all.

Thursday night’s game looks like another potential goal fest. Beşiktaş JK were Tromsø IL’s passport into the competition after the Turks were nailed for match fixing. Prior to being reinstated, Tromsø IL had lost their last three European away games, and they failed to score in any of them.

This is unlikely to be a close run affair then. In which instance, a heavily does of rotation looks to be on the cards. Has anyone seen Adebayor, it good be a opportunity to remind everyone he isn’t a time waster.


This is a joy:
