The Latest Tottenham Autopsy [opinion]

Call me Ishmail. Last night’s Champions League performance against Red Bull Leipzig is not worthy of analysis, much in the same way that when somebody’s house burns down, nobody in their right mind asks what channel the TV was on at the time.

Were Hugo LLoris’ crisp-packet hands to blame, or was an unconvincing midfield partnership the root of our demise, last night? Who might possibly care?!

The facts of the matter are these. ENIC have embarked upon a pioneering business model which may or may not succeed, but what we can say with absolute certainty, is that the path we’re upon – the path that will last my generation- is one deeply uncomfortable ride.

The investment in the infrastructure of the business over sufficient investment in the squad has come at an awful cost, a truly terrible cost. The squad that primed of greatness under Mauricio Pochettino was left to wither. Indeed, Poch told us in plain words, that the rebuild would be painful.

DL responded that the expectation was that income reinvestment would grow the equity value but that there was no intention to sell and that no valuation had been made of the equity value

Daniel Levy

This week, the THST provided quotes from Daniel Levy that revealed to some fans that the club was not for sale. I say ‘some’ as this site’s readers were advised a long, long time ago that the combination of ENIC’s borrowings (in the club’s name) and FFP would make Spurs impossible to sell to anyone seeking to make a profit in their own lifetime.

“No intention to sell” is classic Levy, Razor Ruddock may as well announce he has “no plans to join the Royal Ballet”.

From understatement to diversion a heartbeat. Levy then points to the equity of the business. Which neatly distracts from what owning THFC really offers on a realtime basis, which allows Levy to be one of the highest-paid football CEO’s on the planet, despite having won just one trophy in twenty years. Oh, and an additional property portfolio that would make your head spin.

The only coherent conclusion that be possibly drawn, is that the milking of Spurs will continue, probably forever, and bar some minor miracles (kindly note the plural) then the football at Spurs will remain mediocre for an equally long time.

I became jaundiced with this mob long before a brick was laid, as the whole sorry affair was all too predictable. The weirdo propagandists have done their best, but nothing would ever be enough to prevent the truth from getting out.

I understand that meetings have already taken place and that a series of protests are being provisionally organized. Nobody wants to go down that route, but I have to wish these people well. They feel cheated, and frankly, they are right to feel that way.