Home » The humiliation is complete – Spurs qualify for the European Conference League

The humiliation is complete – Spurs qualify for the European Conference League

By Bruce Grove -

At least this horrendous season is over with and we can no longer be subjected to any more humiliation.

Tottenham beat Leicester City, finished seventh, one spot above Arsenal and that means that we are now going to be forced to partake in the joke European Conference League.

The fact that we have ended this season with a 29-year-old novice in charge of team matters sums up perfectly where we are at right now.

The sad thing is and there is no glossing over it, there is very little sign that things will be any better next season, I mean, even our best player has had enough.

How Spurs managed to find themselves top earlier in the season will be one of the great questions of the ages because I will be honest, I have no clue.

It is hard to pick out any positives from this season, even the players that started off well like Reguilon and Hojbjerg have faded into obscurity and unlike a few of our rivals, there are no great youngsters coming through for next season, though Oliver Skipp could be special.

Tottenham is in a right mess at this moment in time but at least we managed to finish above that lot down the road and so we will not be subjected to months of banter from them, though we are hardly in a position to banter anyone ourselves.

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3 years ago
Reply to  Harryabbots

At High Noon.

3 years ago
Reply to  SpursGoliath

Only reasons we won were due to Rogers trying to protect a lead, Bale providing a bit of quality in the final 3rd & Leceister having to win… if that game was say 2-3 weeks back we would of folded like a deck of cards.


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3 years ago
Reply to  Stewart Smith

We will be irrelevant until we win the big prizes. There is no trophy for finishing above Woolwich unless it’s when they’re second in the league is there? Trying to take small, pointless and frankly pathetic positives from a totally sh*t season is why we are where we are. We’ve all been conditioned by ENIC’s lack of ambition and ability. I suppose they’ll put a picture of the 2020-21 league table in the trophy cabinet and say it’s a success because a crap Arsenal side finished below us.

Richard David Bernard Taylor
Richard David Bernard Taylor
3 years ago

I’m not so sure about the lack of banter from the Arsenal fans. If I was a gooner I might just be congratulating Spurs on their great achievement in reaching the conference!

James Emperor
James Emperor
3 years ago
Reply to  SpursGoliath

Pre season`s not interrupted,as our play off game is in the first week of the season.

3 years ago
Reply to  Cabspur

I agree, a lot of titles could be described as a fluke. It all depends on you having certain players playing a certain way at a certain time, while the teams around you are not having certain players playing in a certain way at that certain time. Leicester. Nuff said.
That season we had those players in that condition, and bar Leicester having that fluke season, which they utterly deserved, we would have been the fluke.
But rather than recognise how close that near-miss was, and improve that squad to go that step higher and actually win, Levy and ENIC opted to not invest in the team for 18 months and focus on a shopping centre instead.

3 years ago
Reply to  Matt

ha ha ,straight in the onion bag sir :).

3 years ago
Reply to  Rick P

How far we have come?
Prior to Enic we still came top 4 but we also won stuff mainly F.A cups .
Someone recently put up our honours and league standings over the decades and this is currently a lean spell .
So after all we have been through we fooked it so must start again from god dam scratch .
No manager ,losing our best players and more debt than anyone.
Its ok though because if we fluke it multiple times like finding Poch and and finding Kane almost by accident and chucking him in as we had nothing else working.

Its ok though we will get Christian Gross turn up with a 4 pence budget a lazy arsed squad that cant be sold and have to kick off a season in July for a tournament that no one wants to be in .
As someone else has put win it your laughed at lose it your laughed at even more.
Cant wait mate .

The Boy
3 years ago
Reply to  Suffolk Spur

Dinamo Barely Athletic ☺️

Stewart Smith
Stewart Smith
3 years ago
Reply to  Big Mal


Stewart Smith
Stewart Smith
3 years ago
Reply to  Pablito

Finishing below them would mean THFC were seriously HEADING in the wrong direction! (& by your own word, wouldn’t that then make THFC “irrelevant?”)

Stewart Smith
Stewart Smith
3 years ago
Reply to  Pablito

Not ‘successful’ but as poor as THFC’s season has been, they’re still not as bad as that lot, thankfully.

Suffolk Spur
Suffolk Spur
3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

You’re assuming we’re not eliminated in the play off round by San Marino Academicals.

3 years ago
Reply to  Delmooreio

A trophy is a trophy, gimme.

Rick P
Rick P
3 years ago
Reply to  James McKevitt

We all know the season was awful but to dig something out last day shows there is still the remanents of a team in there despite Mourinho. I will enjoy another season of being superior to Arsenal despite how bad we were . Is that success no, but it’s better than nothing , at half time we had nothing.

Now it’s a long journey, a new manager, a rebuild and it will take time and patience. Let’s not be fickle fans feel we are entitled, remember how far we have come


3 years ago
Reply to  The Boy


at large
at large
3 years ago

Strange game. Thought we actually played well for a change. Probably the best game of the season from Winks and Doherty. For me, Sanchez did a lot more good than bad- the second pen was not a pen. Just wish the lads gave this much effort the whole year.

3 years ago
Reply to  Matt

On fairness that 50 yard goal was pretty good…😏

3 years ago
Reply to  Jamesspurs

I bet Mourinho wins it if he’s in it.

Richard David Bernard Taylor
Richard David Bernard Taylor
3 years ago
Reply to  Dexter

The Europa is really for also rans but this new tournament really takes the biscuit; it really would be quite embarrassing to be seen on the podium with the trophy.

3 years ago
Reply to  daytripper

How will we recruit better players pls explain?
The massive money pot.
The prestige
Oh I’m with ya now …..

3 years ago
Reply to  Jamesspurs

Robert Mugabe?

Richard David Bernard Taylor
Richard David Bernard Taylor
3 years ago
Reply to  Cabspur


Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
3 years ago

It’s a meaningless victory. Both clubs are husks, essence and soul sold down the river by merchants who care nothing for the football. Unrecognizable corporate emptiness.

Richard David Bernard Taylor
Richard David Bernard Taylor
3 years ago
Reply to  Pablito

To be honest, I would only really care that much if we finish above them if they finished 2nd. Which of us is 7th or 8th doesn’t matter a jot to me.

3 years ago

Might be funny to mention but we could end up in the same cup as Roma managed by, guess who…

3 years ago

Me too but maybe not with that lot..

3 years ago
Reply to  The Boy

But when we were in there consistently we didn’t

Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
3 years ago
Reply to  Harryabbots


But he’s not joking….

3 years ago

why we have embarrassed levy but kept some financial bonus whilst getting to look down at the scum

Big Mal
Big Mal
3 years ago
Reply to  SpursGoliath

Would you have preferred Tottenham to draw or lose and end below Arsenal to avoid the conference?

Lilywhite without the ll
Lilywhite without the ll
3 years ago
Reply to  Al Boy

One of which is injured all the time and didn’t do all that well..

Lilywhite without the ll
Lilywhite without the ll
3 years ago
Reply to  Harryabbots

This guys on fire

3 years ago
Reply to  mikeyhughes

Exactly! lol A european trophy and would guarantee a place in the europa league the following season-something we might need! lol

Urbane Sturgeon
Urbane Sturgeon
3 years ago

Have to disagree regarding “at least we managed to finish above that lot down the road and so we will not be subjected to months of banter from them”.

I think in a battle between finishing in the Midtable League Trophy & finishing above a N Lundun rival, finishing in the MLT is the more demeaning.

I’d swap positions in a heartbeat.

The Boy
3 years ago


The Boy
3 years ago
Reply to  daytripper

We couldn’t recruit well with CL football…

3 years ago
Reply to  Dino

Mate that was the most impressive thing he’s done all season!

3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

The best think Winks did was take out Iheanaco ,& pick up a yellow card. The down side of winning is Levy thinking a better manager & we could finish top 4…. I was hoping we’d lose today for that very reason…

Buffalo Soldier
Buffalo Soldier
3 years ago
Reply to  Pablito

It’s the fans Pabs the players don’t give a shiiiit about finishing above them,

3 years ago
Reply to  Harryabbots


3 years ago

Our first game is tomorrow…

3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Worrying about that shower means we’re looking in the wrong direction.

3 years ago
Reply to  daytripper

Yes… put out the winks, the Sanchez’s, the Doherty’s (if any remain), and the kids. No first 11.

3 years ago
Reply to  Pablito

They are if we finish above them… they can be a mouthy annoyance (like that buzzing mosquito you want to crush) if they finish above us.

3 years ago

I am ok with us getting in the ECL. We can recruit better players than Arse now and I don’t have all my friends giving me crap all summer.

That competition, if we handle it correctly, should be a great way to get our young, promising reserve players more experience. We know we have hired the correct manager if none of our top squad players see a minute on the pitch in that competition.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

The sh*te down the road are so sh*te they are totally irrelevant.

3 years ago
Reply to  Matt

I know! being a Spurs fans has reduced me to hoping for the misfortune of others. Spurs win and the day couldn’t have gone any worse with us ending up in the ECL and Chelsea and Liverpool both getting top 4

3 years ago
Reply to  Pablito

There’s been no success at all… but finishing below the Sh*te down the road would have been that much worse.

3 years ago

Can’t believe some still regard it as successful to finish above the sh*te down the road. That’s not the winning mentality Poch and Mourinho had in mind. This has been a disastrous season. Don’t forget it.

3 years ago

Perhaps Rodgers will change his tune now that he got to see first hand what a bunch of superstars he’d be taking over

3 years ago

At least there will be plenty of matches for the 2nd string, next season.

3 years ago
Reply to  Cabspur

Haha kill me now 😩

3 years ago
Reply to  Matt

Feel like it today mate.

3 years ago
Reply to  SpursGoliath

Summed up depressingly perfect.

3 years ago
Reply to  Matt

😂,your not the only one mate, at least it’s over for a few months,,on no England soon.

3 years ago
Reply to  Dexter

Are you someone from towie??

3 years ago

Should’ve smashed in a few own goals to ensure we miss out on ECL and make Chelsea play on Europa. Cheers Gareth!

3 years ago

Gotta say tho, I did enjoy seeing the Leicester fans sitting the f*ck down with their stupid clackers 😂 Pathetic I know but it’s a crumb of comfort on a sad day. What has happened to my life 🤷🏽‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️😔😂😢

James McKevitt
James McKevitt
3 years ago
Reply to  Dusty

Agree, pathetic to measure our season by how we finish in relation to Arsenal.

3 years ago
Reply to  Richard Plumb

Yes let us hear the positives please, besides that we finished above the Arses down the road.

3 years ago
Reply to  Matt

🤣 I had tears in my eyes. Totes emosh

3 years ago

the one aim today was not to finish 7th and we can’t even do that

we look like dopes against a side weaker than Leicester (Leeds)…and then turn up against Leicester when all hope is gone and if we win we kneecap next season with an interrupted pre season and a load on ‘no win’ games (you win it means nothing…it’s the conference, you lose..you lost in the conference, you’re a joke side)


Richard Plumb
Richard Plumb
3 years ago

We are at rock bottom now and still beating Arsenal, we need a new manager to manage a good sqaud that needs refreshing. We have a stadium that can back some ambition. No we can’t spend money like Man city etc but we can add quality. Mason did his best and we are rid of the insipid special one.

This constant doom and gloom is embarrassing, momentum takes time as does proper coaching , things won’t get fixed overnight but now is the time to get behind the team not hide behind this constant whining monologue.

3 years ago
Reply to  Dexter

Audi cup?

3 years ago
Reply to  mikeyhughes

Lol. I never thought there would be a piece of silverware that would be actually embarrassing to win.
Here it is.

3 years ago
Reply to  mikeyhughes

Ha ha

Al Boy
Al Boy
3 years ago
Reply to  Dexter

We finished above woolwich.
Next season will a see the return of Skipp and Sessegnon from successful loan spells.

That’s yer lot.

3 years ago
Reply to  Dexter

Maybe we can actually win that lol.

3 years ago
Reply to  mikeyhughes

Brilliant. Got us into the Europa Conference League. World class.

Spurs EST.1882
Spurs EST.1882
3 years ago
Reply to  Richard Plumb

Let’s celebrate a world class stadium and training facility… Plus a chairman and owner that love and respect the club, and the fans… All hail ENIC….I mean yes, what a season COYS

3 years ago
Reply to  Richard Plumb

What good things are there to say?? Tell me good things please. Erase the negativity with all the positives you clearly have in your bag.

Richard Plumb
Richard Plumb
3 years ago

Do you ever have anything good to say? You just expect everything to be right all the time? This is why we Spurs fans have such a rep, we are not entitled to anything . Get behind the team somewhere about something , you are a dark cloud of negatively.

Spurs EST.1882
Spurs EST.1882
3 years ago

This set in stone? With domestic wins and European finals… Can we get into the ropey?

3 years ago

Bale still has it, what a player and in this instance a big game player too. Shooting down his critics in flames.

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