Home » Talks Between Manchester City And Harry Kane’s Agents Now Underway

Talks Between Manchester City And Harry Kane’s Agents Now Underway

As most of you have will have gathered by now, in the last 24 hours the situation between Spurs and Harry Kane has become tense. A source close to the club understands that Kane’s agents have now begun the process which they believe will take Harry out of North London.

There has been contact between the two parties previously, and now the Euros is completed and the England captain is rested, the talks can take a more substantial direction of travel.

THFC can issue all the fines they want, and pundits and supporters can take to the Internet in their droves to vent their faux outrage, but the fact of the situation is that ENIC have failed to sustain a football club that is any longer worthy of Harry Kane.

If people do not understand how football contracts work, then they ought to politely ask for assistance. Equally, I would question as to why so little of this feigned ignorance was doing the rounds when Berbatov, Modric and Bale all went on strike prior to their departures.

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3 years ago
Reply to  EssexTony

Read the compensation part. This already exists in the rules, the reason why it’s not utilised more is because it is complicated and requires players to move to the court of arbitration for identifying a suitable compensation. It can also get very messy, however, if Kane really wants to leave, he can threaten to go through with it.

East Stand
East Stand
3 years ago

I can’t stand Levy and I have no time for Citeh and their owners. Let the owners thrash this out. I’m seeing this as a war of attrition between the two clubs. If Levy is of any use at all anymore, he won’t allow our club to let our irreplaceable player for anything less than a kings ransom.

East Stand
East Stand
3 years ago

Kane can’t stand Levy, this isn’t about Kane disrespecting the club. Kane will feel that Levy has disrespected him, the managers and the fans with his deceitful methods.

Arry has been saying how stubborn Levy will be in this deal so Kane has no choice but to pile grief on Levy with the only weapon he has which is withdrawing his labour, the fines won’t worry him of course.

However, I also don’t think Levy should be forced into doing Citeh any favours at all in all of this. If Kane forces a move at a figure less than his market value then the only beneficiaries will be Citeh. Although I can’t abide Levy, this is about the club not being a doormat for the likes of Citeh now.

It’s 100% Levy’s fault that we are in this mess but I’m in no mood to see a rival pay less than we can squeeze out of them for the best striker in the world, let’s face it. The market is crazy, it’s bonkers but it is what it is. Therefore 160m is in the ballpark for me and Citeh are owned by an oil producing country basically.

If they want Kane then they will have to pay a world record transfer fee and they can afford it, so hand it over or forget it. I feel for Kane, but I feel nothing for Citeh. Their petrodollars have been buying up all before them up until this point, why should it change? Pay the going rate.

3 years ago
Reply to  OneDannyThomas

Dunno, if it sabotages a whole season? A whole season ruined with a new coach/manager? A new season with new Director of football? Sabotage a season where our second best player DID sign a contract?

it’s worth that to make a point? To squeeze another £10-£20 million out of a ridiculously huge deal already?

Maybe. Dunno. Maybe not?

3 years ago
Reply to  Baleficent

You are laughable – ask anyone without Spurs bias and Sterling had the better tournament. Kane had one and a half games at anything close to world class form. He mostly flopped.

These are the facts.

3 years ago
Reply to  Andrew

You’re backing up my argument actually – can you imagine C Ronaldo politely queuing up behind Sterling? No.

He’d force the issue. Same with any truly truly superstar player. Kane is the next rung down, £130 million+ is a good deal for such.

3 years ago

‘Spursy’ = capitulating under pressure. This article seems to advocate that we should let Harry go at a reasonable price because he is bigger than the club and the contract means nothing. Thankfully you are not in charge of the negotiation.
I think most Spurs supporters will put aside their contempt for Levy and love for Kane to accept that no player is bigger than the club. Yes we are in a mess, but it is time to be ruthless and squeeze every £ possible out of this for the good of the club. Not many better than Levy to do this. Shame he understands nothing about sport or football.
To finish with a dream, perhaps history will show Scarlett as our highest scorer, with Kane in 4th place behind Greaves and Sonny and a statue of Skippy in front of the stadium and Alfie Devine as our most decorated player of all time and Bryan as the new ghost on the wing and Lucas voted our Favourite player of all time and ………

East Stand
East Stand
3 years ago

‘ENIC have failed to sustain a football club that is any longer worthy of Harry Kane’

Thats really all that needs to be said.

It is my personal belief (in fact I know via another source) that Kane and his family saw their immediate future at Spurs up until about February of this year.

Levy had been stringing them along for a number of seasons in order to keep the Kane clan onside until the stadium move was completed and season tickets sold etc. Kane feels let down and also feels that Levy has lies and raised false hopes regarding the team’s direction.

Poch’s lack of backing and subsequent sacking was the first real hammer blow and since then the realization gradually sunk in that Levy had just been full of sh*t all along.

Levy and ENIC are users. They use managers like toilet roll, they use the borough and buy it up cheaply, they use the fans to help pay for their capital assets. They don’t care less about football and use the game and the club as an investment vehicle. As our anchor tenancy demonstrates.

Kane has has enough of the bullish*t from Levy and wants to get on with his career away from the the little pr*ck…

Good luck to him.

3 years ago
Reply to  Andrew

Thank you. Previous post is laughable.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jason

Larry and Barry!

3 years ago
Reply to  James McKevitt

Yup,like the people he says he wants to be like

3 years ago
Reply to  James McKevitt

Harry was actually helping himself. If he’d got or indeed gets a career threatening injury during the duration of his contract he’ll be paid in full. In addition if Spurs choose to move him on he’ll potentially be entitled to be paid off the remainder of the monies owed on his deal

3 years ago
Reply to  Bobd

I agree with you about the price that we should expect from Citeh however I still think that he was naive to trust Levy on a handshake

3 years ago
Reply to  Matty

“Mugged off?” Really?

The so-called gentleman’s agreement was that he could move if things didn’t improve AND the club received an acceptable offer.

In his interview with Gary Neville, Kane mentioned a figure of £100m and I don’t think it would be a stretch to imagine that this is the region of figure he discussed with Levy. 

People here have mentioned £120m. If that really is what City are offering, then fine.

If, on the other hand, as we have read elsewhere, they’re offering £80m plus some makeweight player, then I think Levy is perfectly within his rights to dig his heels in.

3 years ago
Reply to  The Boy

Surely Harry must’ve realised that Levy talks crap and not trusted him if not then he and his agents are showing a lot of naivety

3 years ago
Reply to  CzechSpur

I thought the year had to end with 1

3 years ago

Looks like Harry Kane has been shafted by Levy like the rest of us, only a gentleman can make a gentleman’s agreement and that is not a word I would use for Levy. Harry’s been mugged off

3 years ago
Reply to  Dancing barber


3 years ago
Reply to  James McKevitt

He was helping himself not Levy. By signing that contract if heaven forfend he got injured and had to retire he would have been paid in full on his contract by the insurers. He also anticipated that the side who had just finished second in the league might push on but we all know that Mr Byrite had other ideas

Last edited 3 years ago by Bertoliver
3 years ago
Reply to  Andrew

I’m not perhaps the greatest fan of Sterling but I have to concede that he had a good Euro competition. He did score the winner in two of our matches and the crucial first in the game with Germany. In addition he earned the winning penalty in the semi final and created the first goal for Harry versus Ukraine.
I believe there are those that say if he hadn’t played in the tournament and others had we would have won the tournament which I think is dubious and it’s more fair to say what we achieved was in part because of Sterling not in spite of him

3 years ago
Reply to  James McKevitt

Mourinho was paid off to terminate his contract. He got £15 million for being told he was no longer wanted. Therefore, he accepted the terms of the termination and so both parties agreed. There’s a massive difference between managers being sacked because of poor performance and a player just saying I want to leave and I can just ignore my contract. I’m on Kane’s side with this one, but we must receive fair compensation for a player who is registered to us and has a binding contract he can’t just decide he doesn’t want to uphold any more and not get anything for him which the other post implied could just happen.

Last edited 3 years ago by EssexTony
3 years ago

So what is the next headline news… Just saw a report stating Harry Kane had returned from holidays in the Caribbean and has to Isolate because he was returning from an amber country.
I’m not saying that this report is untrue but the mind boggles at all the different reports coming out from the media.
In addition if that is the real reason for him not pitching up for training then there are probably plenty of Levy fans who have voiced their “HOW DARE HE NOT PITCH UP FOR TRAINING” opinions now looking very sheepish and red faced. Reminds me of the days when newspaper sellers use to shout “Extra Extra Read All About It-Harry Kane disrespectful to the Levy fans”. What a bunch of Wallies. 🤣🤣🤣

Glory Costs Too Much
Glory Costs Too Much
3 years ago
Reply to  Tangangry

One of our rivals? Is he going to Brighton then?
In case you hadn’t noticed we stopped competing with City several years ago thanks to your mate Levy.

Last edited 3 years ago by Glory Costs Too Much
3 years ago
Reply to  Anthony

Yet here you are taking part in it. 😂

3 years ago

Roll up roll up……

The Romero deal is a done deal. He’ll be in a Spurs shirt next season.

Levy wants £160 million for one of our own and isn’t prepared to budge on the price.

You heard it here first …

Thank me later.

Last edited 3 years ago by JimmyGrievance
James McKevitt
James McKevitt
3 years ago
Reply to  Stewart Smith

Do you not understand that Harry was helping the club with that contract. The three years left gives Levy leverage to get a huge fee from City.

James McKevitt
James McKevitt
3 years ago


James McKevitt
James McKevitt
3 years ago
Reply to  CzechSpur

Eighteen years away. 😜👍Good to know. What is it we actually win?

James McKevitt
James McKevitt
3 years ago
Reply to  England Mike

People playing Football Manager with real people. Unbelievable.

James McKevitt
James McKevitt
3 years ago
Reply to  EssexTony

How did that contract thing work with Mourinho?

James McKevitt
James McKevitt
3 years ago
Reply to  Dancing barber

So easy isn’t it. Harry should have beaten Liverpool on his own.

3 years ago
Reply to  harhey

“He can have his contract terminated”?? Contract Law doesn’t work that way otherwise you’d have had high value, high profile players just terminate their contract and move on to another club with impunity. Termination requires agreement on both sides and that certainly wouldn’t happen here until Levy feels his valuation of Kane is met.

Please provide an example of when this has happened this way with a high profile player just deciding they don’t want to play for the club any more and getting their contract terminated without the club’s agreement and moving on without any transfer fees passing hands.

3 years ago
Reply to  SpursGoliath

‘Outshone by Sterling’ because Sterling was more intent on running up blind alleys than giving Harry any decent service.

3 years ago
Reply to  Tangangry

The only thing Harry Hotspur and his column supports seems to be his own ego!

3 years ago
Reply to  matt

How dare you talk to Mrs Levy like that. 🤣🤣

3 years ago
Reply to  EssexTony

you do not understand, Kane holds all the cards. if he wants to leave; he can have his contract terminated. Fifa already has guidelines on how this can be done, and although notice had to be served two weeks before the end of the previous season for this to happen under the current guidelines, should Kane go to court he is likely to get a favorable verdict (this is not a sports issue but a labour issue). That threat alone would make Levy sell him.

3 years ago
Reply to  Phil

We have to sell to buy according to the owners, yes – a player on strike for a season, we’ve been there before and it hurts both parties, if you get three or four first 11 players in for Kane do it

Of course he’s great…but he hasn’t dragged us over the line to actually win anything, he isn’t THAT good. He isn’t Christiano Ronaldo level good. More evidence? He couldn’t do it for England this summer either…in fact, he bottled that a little bit as his performances weren’t at that ‘star player’ level often enough and was outshone by Sterling of all people.

3 years ago
Reply to  Tangangry

Agreed but in case it escaped your notice , we have a squad full of deadwood and owners that will not invest a penny in new players

Stewart Smith
Stewart Smith
3 years ago
Reply to  Efe

Can I just suggest….
Do NOT sign a contract (an EXTENSION by the way, for more money) that takes you to 31 years of age?
Why footballers contracts are treated like no other employee is beyond me, it’s ONLY because ‘we’ accept it as being ok.
I’ve yet to hear a reasoned argument as to why footballers should be treated ‘different’

Stewart Smith
Stewart Smith
3 years ago
Reply to  Tangangry

Hooray for some common sense. 👍🏾

3 years ago
Reply to  Efe

What i am saying is that top clubs buy quality regardless of age! Utd were happy to buy zlatan at 36, are happy to buy cavani at 34. It has been quoted weeks ago too, that city are prepared to wait until next season for kane, when his price will drop but not his talent!

3 years ago

Think this is going to end up like the scene from Stardust Levy (Captain Shakespeare) Sheikh Mansour (Ferdy the fence) “Did I hear 160 million..from you you did yeah, you said 160 million..if I did you’re a ventriloquist…ok 155 million final offer….155 million it is…so with sales tax let’s see 160 million…..brilliant

Last edited 3 years ago by Harry
3 years ago
Reply to  Efe

What I am saying is that top clubs buy quality regardless of age. Utd were happy to buy zlatan and are happy to buy cavani. It has been quoted quite often already that city are prepared to wait for kane next season when his price will drop but his talent hasnt!

3 years ago

Honestly, I think some people have gone stark raving mad! Why on earth should we as Spurs fans be actively encouraging the chairman to sell our best player to one of our rivals for a lowball price 2 weeks before the season kicks off! It’s Levy bashing gone mental!

If City pay enough money, then he can go, if they dont then he should stay. The offer needs to compensate us for losing out best player, the England captain, golden boot winner, most assists last year – he’s totally irreplaceable.

Harry misbehaving when as far as we know the “offer” on the table was £100m before the Euros is wrong – if there was a concrete £150m on the table I’d be more sympathetic of the aggressive tactics.

YES sell him if he’s gonna be stroppy about it, but rinse £130m+ out of City and time it so he can’t play against us in a couple of weeks. As far as I can see it’s on CITY to make the next move here, not Levy, and not Kane.

Last edited 3 years ago by Tangangry
3 years ago
Reply to  Nikhil

Levy has been disingenuous throughout his “stewardship” of the club and lies his a**e off so much that no one believes him anymore. Kane is not disrespecting the club, he’s disrespecting ENIC and Levy. They, on the other hand, have totally disrespected the club to such a degree that we are now a property investment company with a football business add on. Get real.

3 years ago
Reply to  Toby Pierides


3 years ago
Reply to  Jamie

Kane’s level and form is way better than Pogba , so he feels and knows what club he is suppose to be rendering his services to at the moment.

Toby Pierides
Toby Pierides
3 years ago
Reply to  Dancing barber

Ooh, hello Mrs Levy.

England Mike
England Mike
3 years ago

Joe Lewis ?

Marbella Spur
Marbella Spur
3 years ago
Reply to  Cabspur

100% over budget!

England Mike
England Mike
3 years ago

This situation should not come as a surprise to anyone, how do you get to have a conversation with Levy and express your feelings and opinions of the manner in which the club is being run ?
Kane probably wants to discuss his future and Levy probably does not, Ieaving Harry disillusioned with nowhere to go, not even training.
The media of course, especially sky, are loving the never ending sh1tstorm this club continually delivers as one embarrassment follows another.
The whole club needs a complete overhaul in attitude and reinvent itself with one primary function of being a football club first and last, but it’s so far away from that which enic refuse to see.

3 years ago

Can I get odds on that ?

3 years ago
Reply to  Delmooreio

What are you even saying? How old is Hary? Next year he will be 29 near 30 and you think that is when city or any reasonable big champions league club that is lacking prolific striker will come for him? No. Some of these fans don’t even understand football and it’s glory. When a player is at the top of his carrer, he wants and has to play for the best teams.it’s obvious that is a sign of a career progression, playing with players at your level and winning trophies with them; not an empty legend thing because that is the easense of the creation of a transfer market where players move to and fro for better improvement .

3 years ago

Im sure we could all add plenty mistakes since he took over and made his first bill.
50% over budget stadium one year late ??
Furlough staff ?
Vile creature.

3 years ago
Reply to  Dancing barber

Maybe he was coming back from an injury again and we didnt have a second striker again.

England Mike
England Mike
3 years ago
Reply to  Bergy

Which is exactly why I wouldn’t touch any of them.


[…] The England international’s Spurs future is in serious doubt at the moment after he failed to turn up for training with the club for two days in a row, and it looks like talks may already have begun over a move to City, according to The Boy Hotspur. […]

Glory Costs Too Much
Glory Costs Too Much
3 years ago
Reply to  Nikhil

To deal with a person like Levy you have to play dirty the way he does. Kane has probably done this with the support of City. Everybody knows that Levy respects nobody and nothing and is just obsessed with money. This action should make him sit up and take notice.

3 years ago
Reply to  Delmooreio

Levy must also be thinking about his value though ,covid/crowds improves so more money for clubs or flip it ,he has not a great season and has a major injury?

Glory Costs Too Much
Glory Costs Too Much
3 years ago
Reply to  matt

Very true. He’s been shafted by Levy who doesn’t give a fig about his welfare and future. Is there a more heartless, mercenary man on this planet?

3 years ago

I think it’s good to look at this with an adult, grown up, business perspective.

100/150/160m (plus all the other add on’s such as a naming rights lead in Qatar, not playing first game of the season etc) for a 28yr old who’s been at the club since 11 is good business.

But this will go down to the transfer deadline day. Why?
Because nobody can buy a bargain when everyone knows they’ve got *insert figure here* in the bank.

we did the same thing with the bale money – it was done and dusted way before and had the money to go out and buy those bunch of clowns.

if we get 3-4 decent players and keep the rest in the bank it’s good business – and good for the “painful rebuild project” we’ve all been dreaming of.

if we can get rid of the 4-5 that we know aren’t good enough for our squad anymore then all the better.

have to say, if Harry is pissed off and is pushing for levy to keep his words, his representatives (Larry and Barry Kane) his dad and his brother have done an amateur job of pushing for this – and instead tarnished a faultless lineker’esque like reputation for the England captain.

its business. But if we can get the rebuild out of it no Spurs fan will have a bad word to say about it.

Just needs to be dealt with by grown ups.

Most in the “player representation/movement” industry are “self made” and don’t have the professionalism that even footballers get drilled with.

Larry and Barry have probably got their eyes on a nice villa in Magaluf or something but need to protect their client (Harry) and act in his best interest.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jez

You Good Sir ,clearly understand how contracts work. We are not supporters of Harry Kane but THFC,everything that goes against club can F off and that includes Levy

3 years ago
Reply to  Nikhil

100% agree with this.

3 years ago

Regarding modric, though he went on strike as such, he didnt get his wish 1st time round. Chelsea wanted him, levy said no. Modric didn’t play in August when we lost to both city and utd, then when transfer window closed, modric returned and had a great season and then left for Madrid. I wouldn’t be surprised if Kane situation ends up something similar..doesn’t play in August, doesn’t leave, plays again then leaves next season!

3 years ago
Reply to  MrChickenhead

I bought a Watford ticket; 50 blo*dy quid! And that was the second cheapest option. Watford is cat B for some reason.

3 years ago
Reply to  Bergy

Dembele left because he wanted to, his ankle was too weak to carry on playing in the premiership so he wanted to carry on with his career and get some more money. And everyone was singing Levy’s praises when he brought in a few signings including the Bale loan at the beginning of last season

Glory Costs Too Much
Glory Costs Too Much
3 years ago
Reply to  Dancing barber

What utter drivel that ignores the character of Levy and the never ending catalogue of mistakes he makes right up to the current time. No signings for 2 windows, 7th choice manager? No investment or ambition, a serial liar and utterly tight. What a lovely person he is to lead us into the wastelands of football.

3 years ago

I wish that was true, unfortunately it’s not and they are still killing us off. Highest Ticket prices and highest Kit prices, scum suckers the lot.


[…] The England international’s Spurs future is in serious doubt at the moment after he failed to turn up for training with the club for two days in a row, and it looks like talks may already have begun over a move to City, according to The Boy Hotspur. […]

3 years ago

We dont owe Kane anything and Kane doesnt owe spurs anything ,Levy is to blame for this 100% . What I take offence to is how Kane has gone about without turning up for work. By Kane not coming for training he has made it personal between him and the fans.

We all agree that Levy has brought us to this stage ,but Harry by not bringing up and calling Levy out in public has chosen to call us as the fans out. He does not dare go against Levy in public but chooses to go against the fans. When people look at Harry or watches him play for England ,the first thing that comes across their mind is Tottenham. He is a modern day icon of this beautiful club and represents some sort of success that our fan base have been deprived of for too long. So please understand when people are angry with him and take it personally ,because he has chosen to hurt the fans instead of hurting Levy

Let’s be honest ,there isnt much to brag about being a Tottenham fan. We as fans of this club dont ask for much. Harry has already agreed a move . Let me ask the fans something ,if Harry has agreed to stay away on the orders of Levy and make it seem like Levy was forced to sell him ,would we think less or Harry? Remember by him only staying away on Levy orders its them playing the fans.

The club means more to me then any player. I Take offence when people say since we dont stay in england we are not true supporters of THFC. It is because of the obscene amount we are charged to watch our teams play across the globe that sky can pay EPL teams these large somes.btw,the first ever football match I have seen live was tottenham and have seen 2 games a season live for the last 18 years.

Levy has honestly destroyed this club,I say boycott anything associated with the club and ENIC untill they sell up. Hell,if someone started a gofundme campaign to buy the club I would donate. But every single year without fail there is an issue that Levy does not address

Glory Costs Too Much
Glory Costs Too Much
3 years ago
Reply to  MrChickenhead

Including Levy and enic.

3 years ago
Reply to  Bergy

I’d be surprised if any of those four wanted to come, what’s in it for them? Lower pay, no silverware and a dysfunctional team. Perhaps for someone like Bernardo or Jesus, it may benefit them to play regularly in the hope that they could get a move to a bigger club in 18 months so they can win some more medals.
Laporte will surely be eyeing something bigger and Ake will presumably be happy warming the bench and taking a salary and bonuses for the club winning things.

Glory Costs Too Much
Glory Costs Too Much
3 years ago

Would be best for all concerned if City came in for him now and rescued the lad from the clutches of the arch villain Daniel Levy. I reckon this missing training malarkey was done with the backing of City to put Levy in a difficult position. I also think that City will prioritise Kane over Grealish. They have stacks of attacking mids but lack a goal scoring striker now. Kane has peaked and will not get any better, he will be an instant success and made City a certainty to win the league etc. this coming season, perhaps the CL as well. Grealish hasn’t peaked and is still on the way up, City can come back for him next summer. It’s unlikely anyone else has the cash to buy him before then. So for Pep it’s a case of priorities. Get it done, get the money in and Levy for goodness sake only buy 2 or 3 quality players with it, not a shed load of £15m junk players.

3 years ago
Reply to  Dancing barber

Wake up. You are deluded.

3 years ago

3 finals, no goals, so he’s had enough chances to win stuff. All my favourite Spurs memories in the last 40yrs don’t evolve Harry Kane, nobody is bigger than the Club.


[…] The England international’s Spurs future is in serious doubt at the moment after he failed to turn up for training with the club for two days in a row, and it looks like talks may already have begun over a move to City, according to The Boy Hotspur. […]

Stewart Smith
Stewart Smith
3 years ago
Reply to  Mike J

Well, IF that’s true that blows all the previous reports & speculation right out of the water!?

3 years ago

If they want him and he wants to go then cough up the money to buy him not a £100m which will get you Jack Grealish, not one of the best strikers in the world. He has another 3 years on his contract, so pay the £150m that Levy has asked for. Sick of all these fans who think that everyone has oil money like Man City and Chelsea. We don’t and we operate under FFP. Football is bullshit now and fans don’t pay anywhere enough at games to pay for these ridiculous wages for players. Apparently he will get around £400/500k a week to show it’s all about the money. Harry has failed to live up to anything in the finals he’s appeared in (including against Italy) and then says that he wants to win trophies. F*cking joke.

3 years ago
Reply to  Nikhil

Most fans? have you conducted a survey? All the fans I know are happy for him to misbehave, show Levy up and go to another club.

Kane lived up to his side of the bargain. Levy has not.

3 years ago

If he’s going, it needs to happen very soon as Spurs will need a very good replacement before the season starts. Particularly as negotiations involving Levy can be protracted.

Last edited 3 years ago by Ragnar
Stewart Smith
Stewart Smith
3 years ago

🤣🤣🤣 hilarious stuff.
The truth will out. Eventually.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jez

Wake up, the time for playing nice is over. Kane has been behaving himself for 3 years or more, waiting for his jam tomorrow. Let the guy go and be a winner. This is what will show Levy for what he actually is. Why should Kane continue to behave when Levy lies and gets no comeback?

3 years ago
Reply to  THFC

This is how I feel.

3 years ago
Reply to  Dancing barber

Levy was the reason our best CM wasn’t on the pitch though, Dembele watching on from China as we couldn’t beat a press or hold the ball.

Levy was the reason sissoko and winks were on the pitch.

Failure to build around a free, world class player is Levy. Here you are complaining there aren’t 10 more of Kane

3 years ago

I’m with Kane on this. Stick to your guns Kane. He has given Levy and Spurs every chance to prove they are serious and yet he is continually let down. Don’t put up with the Levy lies and nonsense anymore. Teach Levy a lesson.

I don’t think the fans will blame Kane. They will blame Levy. When Kane returns wearing another clubs shirt he will be applauded. Levy will spend the rest of his days as chairman being booed and jeered.

Last edited 3 years ago by matt

[…] The England international’s Spurs future is in serious doubt at the moment after he failed to turn up for training with the club for two days in a row, and it looks like talks may already have begun over a move to City, according to The Boy Hotspur. […]

3 years ago
Reply to  Mike J

Ah yes, one prayer maketh a christian. And winks passed forward when Kane was out

3 years ago
Reply to  Mike J

Agreed date. Sunday 16th August 4.30pm

3 years ago
Reply to  Nikhil

Looking at their team and the ones who likely are fringe, I would take any one of:

Bernardo Silva

In that order.

Whether they want to play or ENIC, or whether we can match what they are paid, is a completely different matter

Mike J
Mike J
3 years ago

Latest news is that Kane has agreed to come back to training with Spurs, on an agreed date, and discuss his future.

Harry Kane Due Back At Spurs This Week, Feels Situation Blown Out Of Proportion

Last edited 3 years ago by Mike J
3 years ago
Reply to  Jez

He is a role model in kicking a ball. Parents can teach their own kids what is right and wrong, Harry has nothing to answer for there

Chris Sperrin
Chris Sperrin
3 years ago

To Dare Is To Dear !

3 years ago

There often seems to be a media agenda against Kane. Our own supporters, at least the online ones, don’t seem to appreciate just how good Kane is with all this doesn’t turn up crap but shed tears over clowns like Lamela leaving because he ‘works his socks off’. The level of mediocrity at the club is a good enough reason for a world class player to think, I’ve tried but now I’ve got to guarantee winning what I can, while I can. If he goes to City, I wouldn’t bet against him winning as many trophies in one season as we have done since Burkinshaw left 37 years ago. The brief renaissance of 2016/18 was due in the main to one man, the bloke scoring 25/30 goals a season, not the bloke losing charity shields and titles to Lille. Hopefully it’ll be sorted as quick as possible so that we are not left with Son and Moura up front. It might work for a month, or in Moura’s case, 45 minutes, but over a season God help us.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jez

He wants out, ENIC want the transfer fee. Not much more to bear in mind. This smacks of smokescreen tactics from a corporation well known for these kind of tactics. Direct your anger towards them not to Kane who’s doing what any sane individual would do to get out of a toxic workplace.

3 years ago

I feel for Kane, but what if we did force him to stay, like United did with Pogba. It could work

3 years ago

Kane will receive zero criticism from me. He has been incredible for us for years now and has sucked it up each time we failed to kick on.

If us fans have been feeling utterly dejected for the past 3 months then how would Kane be feeling? The best striker of his generation, maybe in the world and without a winner’s medal to show for his brilliant stat’s and goals?

Kane has only a few years left to go an win the medals that will define his place in history. Stay with spurs and he will be that confined to the dustbin of history, only notable for his contributions to the nearly men team Spurs.

The fact is Levy and ENIC have failed Kane, failed the fans and failed Tottenham. A board with a shred of integrity would have seen the diamond we had in kane and the momentum we were building under poch and grasped the opportunity, alas here we are.

So for me, good luck Harry, go and get your trophies, stamp your name in the history books and you’ll be always be remembered by me as one of our greatest. Sorry ENIC let you down.


[…] Manchester City have reportedly opened transfer talks with the agents of Tottenham striker Harry Kane, according to The Boy Hotspur. […]

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