Home » Supporters’ Trust Accuse English Football League And Brent Council Of ‘Experimenting’ On Cup Final Fans

Supporters’ Trust Accuse English Football League And Brent Council Of ‘Experimenting’ On Cup Final Fans

In the Tottenham Hotspur Supporters’ Trust latest fail, we are presented with a pair of articles that are clearly fuelled by fury as the Trust is being consulted about ticket allocations got the League Cup Final. To be blunt, this is not unreasonable. The Trust is not medically qualified, nor is it part of the football club. It is a private body with no more sway in the world than say The Friend Of Thomas The Tank Engine Society has.

It is, therefore, churlish to publish the line, “We are now focussed on ensuring as many tickets as possible go to the fans of each club and that those who are lucky enough to attend are fully aware of the risks they are taking and the experiment in which they are participating.”

The allocation of tickets is no business of the Trust. Whilst a cursory glance at their activities online suggests they help supporters who for some reason find themselves inadequate at discovering for themselves when or how to buy a ticket, however, the Trust is not a reseller or involved in any aspect of ticket purchasing or supply. Their remit is to only those fans that wish to involve themselves with the Trust.

Fans that might attend these test events will be fully aware of the risks involved because they are dealing with are not just commercial entities but bodies of the state. It is quite wreckless to suggest that Brent Council’s actions might fall short in terms of managing the safety of government guidelines for those attending live events in their borough.

Just because a what is effectively a bureaucratic fan club hasn’t been consulted does not suggest for a nanosecond that supporters will fins themselves in some murky ‘experiment’.

The trust has managed to construct a 36 item list which given their position is meddlesome at best – the THST are welcome to worry and fuss over whatever they choose, but this is an attack on professional, accountable people disguised as concern. The duty of care that Brent Council and all its commercial partners will undoubtedly be composed with some considerable detail given the very public burden to get this and similar events right.

I take a view that this desperate pomposity with which this organization defines itself with needs to checked. This latest outburst really ought to win them a cautionary letter from a lawyer representing the English Football League and or Brent Council.

The tone of all this huff and puff is ‘we weren’t invited and so now were going to throw stones’.

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Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
3 years ago


3 years ago

They forgot question 37. Now what have the Romans ever done for us?

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