Super League is an abomination but Spurs must be at the table

This European Super League plan is an abomination as far as I am personally concerned, it genuinely makes me feel sick, however, we have to get real here.

If this thing collapses I will be ecstatic but if it does not and it goes ahead then sadly, Tottenham must have a seat at the table.

Not to be a part of it automatically means the club will shrink in size, the finances simply will not be there, the top players will not be there and we will have to get used to a diet of mediocre matches.

We may not like that but that is the reality of this awful idea.

I never thought I would see the day where there would be no jeopardy, where what you do on the field of play will have no effect on whether you qualify for Europe’s elite competitions.

But that is the choice, isn’t it?

Either we are part of a competition that we do not have to qualify for and face no risk of relegation or we are confined to second-tier football.

Given that choice, then it is the super league that I would choose. An awful choice to have to make but that is what is facing us right now.

Fingers crossed that somehow this abomination is stopped in its tracks but I fear that is unlikely.