Spurs Shamed By Arsenal

And no I’m not referring to the total net spend of Tottenham Hotspur Football Club in the transfer market.

For those bored by the constant voicing of dissent, you should look away now and indeed consider this site as ‘unsound’ if you haven’t already.

Martin Ball, who lives in Bruce Grove, called the development a “monstrous economic pillage”.

I am very proud that Tottenham Hotspur is staying in the borough, but it has metamorphosed into an abuse of people’s rights. People will be living in the shadow of a silver monolith.”

But I gather one or two of don’t rate Martin.

Let’s try an actually councillor, then.

Paul Burnham, secretary of Haringey Defend Council Housing, said: “That out of 585 dwellings, there are zero per cent that are affordable, is an absolute scandal. This is part of a social cleansing plan directed at a poor community. You are going to make some very unhappy people even more unhappy.”

Shall we perhaps try another?

Cllr. Joseph Ejiofor, who spoke while wearing a coat bearing the Spurs club crest, said: “It should not be a case of redevelopment at any cost. It is completely unacceptable that the club comes here and offers nothing. You cannot pass this with no social housing, it is just wrong.”

The lack of affordable housing was placed in stark contrast to the building of Arsenal’s Emirates Stadium, where 1,500 affordable houses and 536 social houses were built.

Look what you made me do.


This, comrades, ought to be a point especially dwelt upon, when one considers that Islington is positively refined compared to Haringey.

It really is a shameful state of affairs when the Woolwich Wanderers have a greater grip on running a business responsibly than ENIC do.

Anyway, I must dash.

Those listed buildings won’t firebomb themselves.