Home » Source Close To Club| Patience required in respect of Italian International

Source Close To Club| Patience required in respect of Italian International

By The Boy -

In the last week, the allegation was made by a youthful reporter for the Evening Standard, which suggested that Alessandro Bastoni’s mooted transfer to Tottenham had gone from hot to lukewarm.


A source close to the club has told me that whilst nothing is neither done nor abandoned, it might be the case that commentators might occasionally consider resisting the urge to publish updates when none exist.

I am told that ‘reluctant’ is regarded as a curious choice of adjective to describe a process that is ongoing and has several dimensions. The 23-year-old Italian has been offered a potentially life and career-changing move.

The value of the offer from Tottenham to Inter for Bastoni is significant. There are (of course) financial complications surrounding the Nerazzurri, but to interpret any perceived delays is the work of an unworldly mind. The club also has the reaction of their fans to consider.

In short – and I’m aware that this will infuriate those seeking solutions issued as if the world were some enormous vending machine – this deal, as with all deals of this size and complexity – is unlikely to be wrapped up as if one were simply ordering a takeaway.

As per this post, a source close to the club believes that Spurs remain hopeful that Conte and Paratici are able to land the player. The fact that they are personally representing THFC streamlines matters enormously.

Oh, and nobody is phoning the player or his agent or anyone else on a daily basis…

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2 years ago
Reply to  Tangangry

Apparently he’s on 90+K/wk.Dele was happy to sit on the bench for far longer.In Ake’s case I would say he is straight in the side in place of Davies.

Archibald&Crooks (SC)
Archibald&Crooks (SC)
2 years ago

I have absolutely no problem with these players who say “thanks but no thanks” it happened with Martinez.
Imagine if it was Bayern coming in for Son.

Just cross him off the list and move on to the next one/ten

2 years ago
Reply to  Eddie

Sitting on the bench at City for 2 years may have done his bank balance wonders, but I’d say his reputation is in tatters.

2 years ago

I can understand his point, he’s 23, highly rated, already paid handsomely and playing for one of Europe’s elite clubs. Committing the best years of your career to a club that hasn’t won anything in 15 years is a very risky proposition!

I would imagine Paratici has irons in other fires, and I remain more concerned about Spence being the only RWB we are linked with!

2 years ago

The lad may have an eye on another suitor in this. Any agent (competent) would have the feelers out especially if a club has potential said he would allow him to move as Inter obviously have.

2 years ago

A bit of perspective needed. The guy is 23, is highly rated and playing for a big club in Inter Milan who will be playing CL football next year. Its not Madrid knocking on his door its Spurs and he’ll want to make sure he’s joining a club going places, not the basket case of the last 4 years.

Urbane Sturgeon
Urbane Sturgeon
2 years ago
Reply to  Eddie

Well he’s a really good player.

at large
at large
2 years ago

These deals need not be complicated. How much does Inter want? How much does Bastoni want? Pay them and move on or get off the pot.

East Stand
East Stand
2 years ago
Reply to  Eddie

He’s saving most of it for the luxury hotel and rebuilding west of the High Road…

East Stand
East Stand
2 years ago
Reply to  Eddie

We never even tried to buy anyone top quality at that time. Poch wanted Dybala and Coutinho and got handed Wobblybelly…

Marbella Spur
Marbella Spur
2 years ago

Granted these deals are complex but without trawling through too much research , it strikes me that very few Italian born players end up in the PL

2 years ago
Reply to  East Stand

Levy will have a lot of change out of his 150M come the end of August.

2 years ago

The golden generation of aging Belgian players who never won anything are being schooled by the Dutch tonight.It’s time for Martinez to start dismantling this squad and give the younger players a chance on this evidence.

Stevie B has had a really good game tonight.

Last edited 2 years ago by Eddie
2 years ago
Reply to  East Stand

Being in the CL on a regular basis basis under Poch never allowed us to attract top players.It could be that the bald transfer meister is not so far in the background after all.

East Stand
East Stand
2 years ago

Free transfers and loans for the time Conte stays, which will probably be not beyond next summer. We haven’t purchased Kulusevski yet and on that subject has Romero even been made permanent yet?

East Stand
East Stand
2 years ago

We shouldn’t need to be begging players to come, besides the ‘draw’ of Conte alone is supposed be too much for any player to resist, right? Sounds to me that we are low balling for the more sought after players as usual. Perisic is a top player but he’s 33 ffs, if we can’t bring in a player like that when we’re in the Champions League we might as well all pack up and go home…

2 years ago

Stevie B has put the Dutch 1-0 up against the Belgians with a fine 20 metre strike into the bottom corner.

2 years ago

It seems that Ake is being allowed to leave City.We could do worse than pursue him in my opinion,he is a solid and dependable LCB and of course is PL ready.

2 years ago

Such is the contrast between the anticipation of what’s to come in this window; and all that have come before, under Levy and ENIC, is sure to get many of the faithful, extremely over excited; and baying for results, lest they awake from a cruel dream.

2 years ago

A laudably rational and empathetic update H. It is very easy for people to overlook the complexity of this kind of deal and the impact on a human level. Clearly such a move would indeed be life changing for the lad, who has just turned 23 and is apparently a boyhood Inter supporter.

Naturally we hope he ends up in a Spurs shirt, but to be honest, it has to be wholly of his own volition. Just ‘coming for the money’ or being persuaded to sign under some degree of duress or coercion, is a recipe for disaster.

If the young man is not ready, then for sure there are others who are and on whom I am sure Messrs Paratici and Conte are doing due diligence. So patience is a virtue and at this point, for once, in the face of an uncommon degree of competence, I am happy to trust the process!

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