Some Nasty Allegations

Just in case you were beginning to cheer up…

The implosion in the Spurs dressing room after Chelsea may well be only the half it. Word is that what actually happened was once Tim had finished doing his Lady Diana for the cameras, he walked back into the away dressing room to find a good many laughing, larking about and generally acting the goat.

At which point Sherwood’s patience hit exit velocity and what transpired was a home truth frenzy, a task in which he was ably assisted in by Awesome Dawson.

This all sounds rather good and if they are all still speaking to each other, perhaps rather promising.

Some of them clearly are still on speaking terms. As a number of players were spotted out on the lash in in Cheshunt the night of the Chelsea defeat.

And speaking of speaking to each other, it will come as no surprise to anyone that Sherwood let slip to another manager that he’s not spoken to Levy & Co. …for a fortnight.

Hence the “the silence is deafening” comment.

All rather incendiary, sadly all too believable.

[button color=”black” link=”″ target=””]Adam Richman vs Lady Diana[/button]