Home » So have THFC botched it or rigged it?

So have THFC botched it or rigged it?

By The Boy -

With just 3 days remaining before the closing date it appears a great many, if not indeed most of the intended recipients haven’t the received their consultation survey from the independent research company Populus.

Mailed out last Friday, I am told between 1300hrs and 1700hrs, the emails appear to be more or less, universally hitting the recipient’s Spam Files which is a very common occurrence when unsolicited mail is sent to an email address.

This appears not to have been factored in by either Populous or THFC. Which is curious. Populous are a more than credible, experienced, “big shot” operation. Did they really agree to just take THFC’s mailing list and start firing out emails with their fingers crossed?

But maybe there’s more to this than a rather painful admin boo boo.

The consultation itself is/was a stacked deck anyway. A few questions to ask you information THFC already know. “How long you been going …Where d’ya sit?” etc then there are a series of quotes for your consideration, none of which make even close to a coherent case for retaining the use of the word Yid in the stands.

No, the quotes provided are clearly intended “to make you think”, but not in a good way. Not in an expansive, intellectual or common sense type way, but in a way that would seek to make you believe that a good many of our own support are deeply offended by chants of Yid Army etc.

Poppycock. If that were the case, THFC would’ve been inundated with sacks of mail from “outraged consumers” demanding something be done years ago. Something would have been done years ago. Do you honestly need me to tell you how vocal our fans are when it comes to moaning? Really?

But what I find curiouser still, is that for a such important consultation – one that you might say seeks to evaluate the integrity of the the club – it isn’t mentioned once on the Official site. Not once.

And despite the Tottenham Hotspur Supporters Trust having alerted THFC to the fact that lots, and I mean lots of members are saying they haven’t received it a few days ago …still nothing.

A cynic might suggest that the whole thing had been rigged from the outset. Either that or this was entire strategy was managed by chimpanzee with a saucepan stuck on its head.


Europa pre match prattle on its way.






Tags consultation exercise Populous Yid

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