Home » Slow-motion video reveals the truth about that Heung Min Son/Gonzalo Montiel clash

Slow-motion video reveals the truth about that Heung Min Son/Gonzalo Montiel clash

By The Boy -

Poor old Sonny. He’s found himself involved in a number of nasty incidents during his time at Tottenham, and despite the outcomes being occasionally unsettling outcomes for his opponents, I genuinely don’t believe the South Korean has a bad bone in his body.

Against Sevilla, the claret was out again as Montiel impacted against Sonny’s shoulder. I’ve seen differing reports elsewhere, but if you watch the tape carefully, you can see precisely what occurred.

Tempers boiled over after the Argentine ended up with a bloodied mouth and at half-time, he decided to confront Son, who was less than interested. Bad form considering this was a friendly game…

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2 years ago

Montiel deserved all he got. He was looking to take Son out, but wasn’t quick or smart enough.

at large
at large
2 years ago

Sevilla had 5 Argies in the first team. They’re always good for the chippy stuff like needless slide tackles and shoulder and elbow brushes. Like Romero does. It’s in the dna.

2 years ago

Nasty team

2 years ago

Yeah, completely accidental and a bit of good honest karma for the boy, who actually tried to foul Son and got a smack in the kisser for his pains!

Last edited 2 years ago by coys1882
2 years ago

How can you blame Sonny after watching the video? Montiel body-checked Sonny. hitting him in the face was accidental.
as he stooped down, the ref failed to see him bleeding.

2 years ago

Instant karma…. Brilliant👍
Funny as the last lad that tried to leave something on Sonny lost his team a champions league spot😆

Park Lane
Park Lane
2 years ago

That is a foul on Son. No attempt to get the ball, and tried to take him out. Got what the challenge deserved

Charles Crawford
Charles Crawford
2 years ago

Good example of attempted suicide by head-butting a passing elbow

James McKevitt.
James McKevitt.
2 years ago
Reply to  Billy Tonsils


Billy Tonsils
Billy Tonsils
2 years ago

Like driving into a tree and blaming the tree.

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