Home » Scotland The Braver: Harry Kane Analysis

Scotland The Braver: Harry Kane Analysis

By The Boy -

Scotland’s desire and determination were more than enough to rattle England, but their inability to finish denied either side from being able to steal all three points.

I see Harry Kane attracting groans in certain quarters, but the truth is that he had terrible service and would have become much more of a threat has he swapped sides at half-time.

Southgate exudes such an air of corporate political correctness, he’s become what I perceive to be Daniel Levy’s ideal man in the hunt for a new coach. The eventual addition of Jack Grealish was immediately diminished by the simultaneous removal of Phil Foden, who had been England’s brightest thinker.

Chris Waddle told the BBC that he thought Kane looked leggy as if he had come off the back of a long hard season. World-class players need better service than the 27-year-old received last night, that’s for sure.

This shot assist was about the closest Kane got to showing everyone what he can do, but the lad he passed to had clearly been watching Gareth Bale’s recent penalty on a loop.

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East Stand
East Stand
3 years ago
Reply to  coys1882

I know Poles well too, although I don’t think their dislike of Germany is as deep routed as perhaps you might expect. They seem less keen on Russians as far as I can tell…

East Stand
East Stand
3 years ago
Reply to  coys1882

Pretty much, who always has to clean up after them? The proletariat, and they wonder why people voted ‘leave’?

These people are supposed to be an Oxbridge led elite but honestly, their short sighted pig headedness leads me to come to the conclusion that in every other way, they’re actually quite thick.

Education can’t provide common sense…

3 years ago

though not as outrageous as gravity

Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
3 years ago
Reply to  JimmyGrievance

He’s knackered from carrying a football club for 3 years.

3 years ago
Reply to  East Stand

The people behind this ‘endless colonial (faux) guilt’ are predominantly middle class, left-wing, pseudo-intellectuals … a subversive raft of collectivist sheep, who are the dismal products of our cultural Marxist madrassas … [pardon me, hallowed halls of higher education!] … and who have been inculcated to (or instinctively) hate their own people and culture!

Lord Croker
Lord Croker
3 years ago
Reply to  Marbella Spur

Failure rewards in a marxist world.

Lord Croker
Lord Croker
3 years ago

All the kneeling has got to him.

3 years ago
Reply to  Notontheshelf

… very canny of them! Then again historically they were conquered and colonised by the English, so naturally elicit some sympathy from all those former colonial territories that resent/hate the English!

3 years ago
Reply to  East Stand

Yes, the Poles hate the Germans (and the Russians) and blacks and gays and each other … they love drinking though! [I had an ex-boss who was Polish and my brother is married to a Polish girl, hence the character insight!] As for the Czechs, French and Dutch, not so much, but then again the perceived character of Germans and Germany is very different than what it was 80 years ago.

3 years ago

Any team that packs midfield & we struggle… How many times did Sterling lose the ball, when well placed? How many crosses from our fullbacks went into the box or corners beat the first man? It seems Southgate sets up teams not to lose…as opposed to trying to win… We didnt need Rice & Phillips in there…Sancho, and dare I say it Ward-Prowse, or Lingard would have caused Scotland problems. Whoever we play up top, isn’t going to do much if we’re relying on opposing teams making mistakes for us to score from open play.

3 years ago

Simply put. HK isn’t 100% fit. His performances mirror those of the CL final. Southgate is as bad as Poch was in thinking he can’t drop him.

Marbella Spur
Marbella Spur
3 years ago
Reply to  Limerick AL.

Haven’t the FA agreed that Southgate will continue however we perform in the Euros?

Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
3 years ago

I backed Hungary, no matter what happens and call me any generic term ya like, that half was a joke. Greizmanns miss?! Have a look and ask yaselfs…..nobody can explain that genuinly who’s played the game. It’s a farce.

Last edited 3 years ago by Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
East Stand
East Stand
3 years ago
Reply to  Notontheshelf

Very true.

Do you think the Poles, Czechs, French and Dutch hold such grudges towards Germany after being invaded and huge numbers of their population murdered les than 80 years ago? 🤔 It seems we are the endlessly apologetic easy target for this guano. It makes me wonder what Scotland would do with all the time it wastes hating the English? 😂

3 years ago
Reply to  Tangangry

Sterling reminds me of Lucas Moura melded with Lamela. Lots of bustle and hustle, but rarely any end product.
I hope he has a sat nav, because when he plays he usually end up in cul-de-sacs.

3 years ago
Reply to  coys1882

Scots formed a big part of the colonialism in the British forces. They seem to have managed to divert the world’s attention on to the English.

Limerick AL.
Limerick AL.
3 years ago

If Southgate is sacked then Levy will pounce, maybe Levy is waiting.?

Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
3 years ago
Reply to  Tangangry

He definitely should go then. One of the faves to win the thing is worried about losing at home to Scotland and plays for a draw??

East Stand
East Stand
3 years ago
Reply to  coys1882

Well, I would say that people’s version of events is very much selective.

How ‘contemporaneous’ would you say the Spanish genocide of the Incas is? The Dutch, the French, in fact all European countries are up to their ears in this stuff yet seem to have achieved ‘distance’ from events centuries old.

While Germany was responsible for one of the worst genocides I human history. A crime committed only 75 years ago, yet where’s the resentment for Germany or all these other countries playing itself out in this way?

The British are far too self deprecating and grovelling in their apologies for the past that we can no longer do anything about. Just like we can’t bring back the millions that perished at the hands of Nazi Germany.

The people behind this endless colonial guilt are the upper middle classes who actually had a hand in it. The rest of us just have to go along with it as usual.

If people want to justify this ‘resentment’ then I suggest they extend it to other perpetrators of past crimes too. The British were far from alone…

Glory Costs Too Much
Glory Costs Too Much
3 years ago

Ah a conspiracy theory!

3 years ago

The only thing in his defence, if you can call it that, was that Southgate obviously didn’t try to win the match – eg. he knew it was more important not to lose, than to try to win – at least from a qualification perspective.

3 years ago

Worry is a draw will suit Czech Republic and England as they’ll be guaranteed 1st and second. Neither team will particularly want to top the group but equally there is a distinct chance that one of Croatia or Scotland will get 4 points as well so they don’t want the lottery of finishing 3rd.

3 years ago
Reply to  Marbella Spur

who the hell buys a 3-piece suit and KEEPS the waistcoat?

Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
3 years ago

Plus the pen that VAR didn’t even check which was essentially the same as Holland’s the other day when the player trod on Sterlings toe. Didn’t even check it. Why?

Last edited 3 years ago by Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
3 years ago

I thought Scotland would win. Anyone with any football knowledge should be able to see England weren’t trying to win that match. Everything from the lapse passes in key areas, to the refusal to attack, to the space given to Scotland, to the over aggressive challenges giving Scotland free kicks around the box. Scotland should have won. If none of that’s the case then Southgate should be sacked TODAY. How do you leave Sterling on and take Foden off?? When you need a goal why do you take your skipper and talismanic goalscorer and golden boot winner off?? Kane is anonymous when Sterling plays. Every time. Sterling is only in the team cos of off the pitch ‘work’.
England will beat the Czechs and top the group anyway. Cos that’s what been set up.

Last edited 3 years ago by Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
3 years ago

Their absence shows the embarrassingly deep ocean of creative and attacking riches at his disposal.

Glory Costs Too Much
Glory Costs Too Much
3 years ago
Reply to  coys1882

We seem to hit the woodwork a lot don’t we?

Glory Costs Too Much
Glory Costs Too Much
3 years ago

Kane seems a bit below par at the moment which is not surprising considering the shenanigans going on at his parent club. The lad must be thinking he wants out ASAP as Levy fumbles around and tries to keep control. The Conte business alone proves that the enic have no ambition whatsoever and must convince the lad that he must leave now or tread water without winning trophies until his contract runs out. It’s pretty obvious that Levy scammed him like he scams everyone else with his promises of jam just around the corner.
I daresay Levy made a gentleman’s agreement with Kane about leaving if no trophies come his way very soon. Well any agreement is null and void in my book as Levy is the polar opposite of a gentleman! I hope Kane stays and continues banging in goals for the club he loves, but can understand why he would want out.

David Dillenberg
David Dillenberg
3 years ago
Reply to  Surespur

Missed Jessie Lingard and James Ward-Prowse??!

3 years ago

Leggy, my arse! There was a distinct lack of creativity and ambition on show last night. Southgate hasn’t the balls to replace an over abundance of defensive midfielders, with a more offensive lineup, whatever the quality of the opposition. This was no better characterised than through his substitutions, which Ian Wright rightly called out as baffling. And when he did bring Grealish on, he was playing so deep that all the free kicks he won were in harmless territory.
Now, I’m far from a footballing tactical expert, but when the pundits repeat what you’ve been shouting at the screen all night, you realise that the problems are visible to all, except for the one that matters. Can’t see us beating the Czechs unless Southgate has a major injection of spine hardener

East Stand
East Stand
3 years ago
Reply to  coys1882

Who by? Perhaps in an English media bubble. I doubt the Italian or German media had us particularly fancied. 🤔

East Stand
East Stand
3 years ago
Reply to  Marbella Spur

Not under, Hoddle, Ericsson, Capello, Hodgson for any of the others in between. Change the managers as much as you like, we are just never good enough as a team. End of story.

3 years ago
Reply to  East Stand

True, but in answer to your question we were considered ‘potential’ winners. The same to a lesser degree in Italia ’90.

East Stand
East Stand
3 years ago
Reply to  Marbella Spur

Ok, what with being the home nation and considering that was the best England squad we have seen since 66, I agree. We weren’t stand out favourites but probably one of four or five that were. Still didn’t win it though did we…

3 years ago
Reply to  East Stand

The inescapable legacy of colonialism and our former dominion over one third of the planet. Any time one nation subjugates another by force the resentment understandably still lingers long amongst many of the formerly colonised, however non-contemporaneous the event.

East Stand
East Stand
3 years ago
Reply to  East Stand

While an ‘independent’ Scotland can be towed into the bay of Biscay by French tugboats and enjoy life under EU rule as an utterly insignificant province. That’s what they want, good luck to em…

3 years ago

Hahaha … we would have to have been considered potential winners of both Italia ’90 and the Euros in 1996, as we reached the semi-finals of both tournaments and were only denied by the woodwork in reaching the finals of both.

Valentine Taylor
Valentine Taylor
3 years ago
Reply to  Keith Browning

This could be the case. Mason Mount certainly seems to be part of that group. Reece James fluffed a chance arising from a Harry Kane pass and did not bother to acknowledge the pass from HK. Seems to be a Chelsea conspiracy. Southgate must sort out these childish and selfish players. Just because Spurs won’t sell HK to Chelsea?

Marbella Spur
Marbella Spur
3 years ago
Reply to  East Stand

Possibly under Venables in the 1996 Euros but certainly not under Southgate.

East Stand
East Stand
3 years ago
Reply to  coys1882

I can guarantee you that Scotland will not play at that level again in the tournament. There seems to be much more motivation to get one over on England by the other home nations.

It’s funny really, the English don’t generally have an axe to grind with anyone these days. Yet it seems the rest of the world is always out to put us down, as well as our own chattering classes. When in fact we are probably the most tolerant, liberal and accepting country in the world. Some people won’t be happy until we’ve sunk into the North Sea…

David Dillenberg
David Dillenberg
3 years ago
Reply to  East Stand


East Stand
East Stand
3 years ago
Reply to  Marbella Spur

Are England ever considered potential winners of any tournament since 1966?

Marbella Spur
Marbella Spur
3 years ago

The England football team reflects the over cautious , politically correct character of the manager. Most of the relevant points have been covered by the cognoscenti below. It never ceases to amaze me that the fans can see what the problems are but the manager who has little imagination, does not. The obvious errors were taking Foden off not Sterling who was rubbish, no wonder Guardiola is prepared to sell him, he’s realised he’s a one trick pony, not playing Grealish from the start, playing Kane too deep and continuing to play Phillips and Rice at the same time. There is not enough creativity in the midfield with this set up. Southgate is such an imbecile that Levy must be eyeing him up as the new manager. One thing I am quite sure about is that we will not be the winners of this tournament.

3 years ago
Reply to  Keith Browning

I’m desperately trying to keep my tinfoil hat in the closet, but it really is incredible. Why wouldn’t you pass the ball to last season’s best attacker in England?

If I were Southgate, I’d do my utmost to have the team get the ball to Kane at every opportunity – crosses, through balls etc. He was the best scorer and provider while playing for Spurs, ffs.

Why persist with Sterling who will score one or two goals via mishit shots and put twenty more opportunities into orbit?

3 years ago
Reply to  SimonSpur

Scotland weren’t the better team. Admittedly they played closer to their more limited potential, but up until the last 10 minutes, for the most part, we controlled the flow of the play and the Scots had but one shot on target in 90 minutes, with shots, chances and corners evenly distributed.

3 years ago

Sterling confuses the hell out of me, whilst simultaneously confusing the hell out of his team-mates and ultimately confusing the hell out of himself!

But its not just him (tho’ I think I’m correct in saying he has passed to Kane just 3 times in two games), but the midfield is lacking in any forward thinking or ability to take the ball away from our mindless back four and move it towards their goal.

The full backs don’t seem to understand that when you are in the final third, its OK to risk losing possession as long as its in the box….. when the ball is in their box there’s always a chance we can score get fouled (penalty) create errors. We simply can’t do that by bottling crossing opportunities to play backwards to our own half from the edge of their box because its safer!

Not that the full backs were alone. We have no creativity in midfield, nobody playing the creative No.10 role or the distribution role (like a Modric). We have no midfield threat or capability to control the game other than playing keep ball at the back which (see above), does nothing to improve our percentages.

Kane has been lack-lustre and plodding around, not putting defenders under pressure and positionally in no man’s land, but he’s not getting passed to by the ManCity boys who basically do nomore than a Redschnapps “run abaht a bit”. In fairness Fodon is putting in solid shifts, but nonetheless seeing his and Sterling’s play really shows up the true class of DeBruyne.

Harry needs to break a sweat and force himself on the game; make things happen for himself (and screw Sterling) – that’s the best way he can support the team and himself.

3 years ago

An utterly predictable knee-jerk reaction to England’s performance yesterday, with uncontained bile and the usual anti-English bias one expects from the globalist controlled mainstream media.

Yet, despite all the ‘plucky Scots’ type cliches and fawning Billy Gilmour adulation, for the most part England controlled the flow of the game, at least up until the last 10 minutes and Scotland had but one move ending in a shot on target.

My biggest (objective) criticism of England was the build-up was too slow, the passing too lateral, the off-ball movement too static and the tactical decision of playing a double defensive pivot (Rice and Phillips) stunted our creativity.

I wholly disagreed with Southgate’s substitution of Foden, our most creative player, with Grealish. It should have been a straight swap with Phillips. I would also have brought on Calvert-Lewin instead of Rashford, if I was going to replace a lacklustre Harry Kane.

Notwithstanding, we have 4 points, with no goals conceded, in our first two games of a major championship and almost certain qualification for the next round, yet some morons are calling for Southgate’s head! At that rate Alf would have been canned before the QF’s in ’66!

So let’s put this game in perspective. It was always a potential ‘banana skin’, as the Scots had nothing to lose and we were on a proverbial ‘hiding to nothing’, but in the final analysis we have almost certainly qualified for the 2nd round and the Scots are still likely to go home!

Last edited 3 years ago by coys1882
3 years ago

Cannot believe Sterling was left on the pitch for 90 mins Southgate is a joke.

3 years ago

Totally agree H…Foden should have stayed on..by far our most creative player.

3 years ago

Scotland were the better team. One thing we learnt, England won’t win this tournament. I’ve got a few a few quid on Italy and I’m feeling confident.

Keith Browning
Keith Browning
3 years ago

Can someone tell me the last time that Sterling passed to Kane. Again last night the number was ZERO. I have thought for some time that there is a conspiracy amongst a certain group of players to starve him of chances.

3 years ago

I’m back to shouting abuse at Sterling – well, at my telly really, but it’s meant for him. No end product, essentially runs into the opposition, immensely frustrating player made to look ok by the class that surrounds him at club level.

Absolutely criminal when we have so many better players on the bench, Grealish, Rashford, Sancho all better than him.

I’ll say it again, if Spurs sign him, thats me done.

David Dillenberg
David Dillenberg
3 years ago

Whilst Kane is clearly at risk of being relegated to the bench against the Czechs after his sub par performances one obvious certainty is that Grealish will be in the starting line up along with Henderson and Sancho!

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