Home » Ryan Mason Really Is Going To Fit Right In At Spurs | video/opinion

Ryan Mason Really Is Going To Fit Right In At Spurs | video/opinion

By The Boy -

This isn’t complicated stuff. Ryan Mason has been officially versed in the dark arts. So when the Press Association’s Jonathan Veal asked about Dele Alli – the journalist was subjected to something that the word obfuscation barely covers.

If Dele Alli fails to feature meaningfully in the final, and then we will know that the Boo Hoo poster boy didn’t bother to keep himself fit. The now 25-year-old’s last game was the fiasco against Dinamo Zagreb on 18.03.2021.

Now that really IS in this club’s DNA.

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3 years ago
Reply to  Baleficent

They’ve looked alright in Ropey which is more than can be said for us.

3 years ago

True, but Everton with the exception of James have 10 outfield players who work very hard, many of whom are comfortable on the ball. We dont have that hence why when we last played them, they had loads of space to run into.. plus no Auba & Lacazette is similar to us playing without Kane & Son…

Steve 'Killer Cushion' Williams
Steve 'Killer Cushion' Williams
3 years ago
Reply to  Cali

Ha ha.. He best set up 7 or 8 alarm clocks.. Can’t be lying in and sleeping through.

3 years ago

Let’s.hope he shouldn’t be knackered on Sunday.

3 years ago
Reply to  71 Spur

Goons are atrocious but showed more desire. What about that point is wrong? We had no desire which would seem a problem

Steve 'Killer Cushion' Williams
Steve 'Killer Cushion' Williams
3 years ago

Whan asked ‘is there enough time to implement your tactics and get all your analysis in before sunday? Of course there’s loads of time when you’re not sleeping.. Lol.. The kid is totally out of his depth here..

3 years ago
Reply to  Lord Croker

i like it this word Shysters👍

3 years ago
Reply to  James McKevitt

With Hutton in my team I wouldn’t expect to win every game also. That team and this team have different expectations.

David Dillenberg
David Dillenberg
3 years ago
Reply to  Dusty

Should Spurs lose out to Leicester for that much coveted 4th spot in the final game will be a bitter pill to swallow!!

71 Spur
71 Spur
3 years ago

One small point Everton arent their local rivals. Derbies are rarely predictable

East Stand
East Stand
3 years ago

It’s unbelievable how bad Woolwich Wanderers have become. Seriously let’s Levy off the hook too dunnit…

Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
3 years ago

Even Everton can go to Arsenil and get a result…..

3 years ago

Well DD (In a nice way) I hope your hunch about Leicester is wrong…I can recall a few weeks ago I did suggest that Chelsea would be there and that Leicester would lose out, so I’m still hoping that is the way it will work out…Would be nice to see it go down to the wire with Spurs and Leicester playing for 4th position on the final day. 🙂🙂

David Dillenberg
David Dillenberg
3 years ago

If it goes down to the wire and goal difference then interestingly we travel to Leicester on the final game of the season!

David Dillenberg
David Dillenberg
3 years ago
Reply to  Dusty

IMO Man City, Man Utd & Leicester City will cement the first 3 places.
Fighting for the remaining 4th spot are Spurs, Chelsea, Liverpool and
West Ham. Usually wrong my hunch is Chelsea!

3 years ago

Harry ….Not sure if the team you posted above is the team who you believe will start the game against Man City. I’m a believer that you don’t change a winning team unless you have to and therefore that would be my starting team…Personally I don’t believe Harry will be fit and ready for Sunday and therefore he should not play.

I still believe we have a chance to make Top 4 by winning our last 5 games (with a fit Harry Kane) and I’m still hoping that it goes down to the wire with Leicester who we play in the last game. Win all 5 games we have left and we will end up on 68 points. Leicester still have Man United, Chelsea and ourselves to play. Lose those 3 games and they win the other 3 games they have left (They also have Southampton to play away), then they too will end up on 68 points and that’s when goal difference is really going to count. Hopefully Sheffield United (who we still have to play) have gone into holiday mode and we put a few past them when we meet. This is what we need to do, as currently we have a 3 goals worse differential than Leicester. We can only but hope that Ryan can get that self belief back in the team, and be positive.

James McKevitt
James McKevitt
3 years ago

Heard ex player Alan Hutton who was in the last Spurs team to win a trophy say on 5Live say that there was no expectation at Spurs that you had to win every game.

The attitude was if you won great and if you lost it was so what.

Lord Croker
Lord Croker
3 years ago

Shysters stealing a wage.

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