Home » Romero reveals discord within Spurs “coaches, players, not pulling in the same direction”

Romero reveals discord within Spurs “coaches, players, not pulling in the same direction”

By The Boy -

Ange Postecoglou certainly has it all to do as the Tottenham coach. Whilst a few new signings have arrived, notably a goalkeeper, Goalkeeper Vicario from Empoli, a creative midfielder in James Maddison, as well as Manor Solomon; who frankly looks the most exciting of all of them so far, there’s still much work to do.

A lot of criticism has been levelled at José Mourinho and Antonio Conte, who after all, are divisive figures, to some.

What is not in doubt is how successful as coaches they have been.

Indeed, Tottenham Hotspur has the dubious honour of being the only club that both men have failed at.

Now Cristian Romero has provided some insight into how bad things were under Conte.

It will be convenient for some to simply say that this is Conte’s fault, after all, many fans felt the football was dull to watch… but that’s a separate issue.

Romero says quite clearly that both the coaches and the players were pulling in opposite directions. Quite frankly, I’d be far more interested in hearing what a serial winner has to say, as opposed to the voices of players that have won nothing…

Hopefully, Postecoglou is able to bring some harmony to the group, but my concern is that will harmony be enough?

Ryan Mason supposedly had harmony in spades, but his win rate was appalling. The time has come to stop sabotaging this club with mediocre players and start supporting it with good ones.

Manor Solomon is surely a case in point, nobody has coached that boy to be an interesting footballer to watch, just improve the quality of the scouting.

It can’t be all that complicated, can it?!

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