Home » Rafael Van der vaart wades into the ‘Tottenham coach’ debate

Rafael Van der vaart wades into the ‘Tottenham coach’ debate

Former Spurs players, like them or occasionally loathe them, do tend to make for useful contributors toward the overall dialogue when it comes to their former clubs. They did work there and one would suspect they do have a handle on what makes the business tick.

Van der Vaart is no Jamie O’Hara, so that’s one positive, another is that the Dutchman played some great football during his time at Tottenham and fans trust players who gave them good memories, which is why Van Der Vaart’s stock as a pundit would be deemed superior to that of say, Tim Sherwood, or his ilk.

The issue of Antonio Conte’s future is understandably in the balance, it is fair comment to suggest that most coaches who were staying, would have signed an extension deal before now. I mean, what is he waiting for, exactly?

One name that occasionally crops up is that of Mauricio Pochettino.

I don’t think it’s wise for managers to return to clubs, so while I know Mauricio Pochettino’s name will often get linked with the club, were Conte to leave, I don’t think it would be a good idea, necessarily.

Look at Jose Mourinho and Chelsea, for example; he was fantastic in his first spell but when he returned, things didn’t go so great. When Conte leaves, the board needs to find time to identify the right replacement… but I don’t think it’s Pochettino.

Poch is at a loose end after his mixed performance at PSG, and given Tottenham got through managers at a frankly alarming rate, the return of the Argentine is not out of the question.

Speaking to The Boy Hotspur’s Substack, it is clear that the thought of more Poch doesn’t sit well with Rafael. For me, it would rubber-stamp Pochettino’s essential weakness as a human being. Nothing has changed since he was fired, and it would be an appointment all on Daniel Levy’s terms.

ENIC will never make the meaningful changes needed –  because the business model would be compromised – it’s not about winning silverware, it’s about reaping the benefits of being a top club, without having to take the true risks of being one.


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