Poch’s Leicester City Presser [video]

Bullets points for those that cannot cope with a few minutes of video…

Dele Alli is improving but may not be back quite as quick to return as Harry Kane, Poch said: “It’s different injury, we need to get in different way. He’s doing well and we are happy.”

There was a fair degree of whining about the schedule. I’ve no time for this. Busy clubs ROUTINELY face a squeeze once or twice a season and generally speaking those clubs prepare for such moments.

Too many of our fans immediately scream ‘conspiracy!’ and it’s completely embarrassing. You know, like when you convinced yourselves that Leicester City win the league by taking performance enhancing drugs.

The highlight was when the gaffer was asked about Eriksen’s contract. “No news. Everything is in the same place as months ago.”

Beyond parody.