Poch Doesn’t Want To Be A Scratch Card Winner

Maurico’s latest quotes picked up by The Guardian among many have got a few fans in a spin, and so this is my take.

“To win the Champions League in this circumstance, in this season – maybe I need to think a little bit to do something different in the future. Because to repeat this miracle, you know … But for sure, I go home. Whatever happens tomorrow, I go home.”

First of all, postulating about achieving the extremely unlikely is the territory of the throwaway remark.

‘If I married a supermodel, I’d happily give up my current lifestyle of smoking, drinking and wearing the same underpants for an entire week.’

The odds of Spurs of winning the Champions League are not optimistic. Liverpool are favourites generally @4/9, Ajax are mostly @3/1 and Tottenham Hotspur are @7/1 with all the bookies you’ve ever heard of.

I think Poch is tired.

It’s been a long campaign, and with the injury problems he’s had to face; one that occasionally has been like herding cats.

The ‘Whatever happens tomorrow, I go home’, line is almost certainly more about the desire to return to his family, win lose or draw. It’s a natural emotion to feel – if a strange comment to issue publicly.

As for the ‘miracle’ part, this is more worrying – IF your name is Daniel Levy.

As this blog has been saying for some time, if Spurs ever won anything under ENIC, then it would be entirely down to luck.

Any normal – truly happy manager – would take a Champions League win and want to use it as leverage to win more silverware.

Poch clearly understands that he is in a permanent ‘smash and grab’ situation with the club.

Poch clearly knows it will have been a fluke, a miracle.

Only a fool would believe that miracles can be repeated.

Even the deceitful clowns that constructed our religious texts moved from one miracle to another. They knew you gotta keep fiction fresh.

I’ve given Poch a rough ride for some of his comments, but these reflect some genuine integrity.

In the final analysis, he doesn’t want to be a scratch-card winner.