Past Tense

The pre match presser was a quare one alright.

Watching Sherwood talk, it was evident he was was using a crib sheet of some description. And compared to his usual free wheeling, St Alban’s rude boy patois, his opening remarks were clearly scripted. By whom, is largely irrelevant.

It’s been an honour to manage this great football club and I have enjoyed it. It’s been different and an experience like no other.

Unless you have ever stood in that technical area and had the expectations of the whole football club – not only the 35,000 fans at home and those that travel away, but also the 45,000 on the waiting list at Tottenham and their support around the world – then you don’t know what it’s like to be a manager.

Perversely, I’ve enjoyed the pressure. You hear of a lot of managers saying they could do without the pressure, but I’m not sure I could do without it now.”

His closing remarks were the usual fare. Listening to an unqualified man describing a job that qualified people find a challenge, say how challenging the job was. Presumably this was designed to solicit empathy or sympathy or something.  From someone. Or something.

I think any day in management is a learning curve. This has been a baptism of fire to be honest, but it’s certainly one that I relish. My family are saying ‘why? Why do you want to do it?’ but it’s in me and it’s something that’s inbred in me.

The last bit was actually very funny. I’ll give Tim that. He has that unwitting comedic knack about him that many light entertainers spend a lifetime trying to perfect. But he has it in spades. That innate unintentionally tragicomic edge to him.

Enough people have poached for my job while I’ve been here and I think it’s disrespectful, so I wouldn’t at all start doing it for someone else’s job.”