Palliative Care

That was one of the worst games of football that I have ever watched.

If it had been a 1980’s game show, it would have been Blankety Blank. But with “Bl”s replaced with “W”s.

And so it goes on. Lennon is selected again and again he is woeful. When Azza was subbed for Townsend, Sherwood proved that Sherwood is not beyond parody.

Sandro made the bench, or should I say, made the public naughty step. It was a game that would have benefited significantly from Raneri going all Robocop in midfield.

Being out passed by a 10 man Stoke, irrespective of their recent home record, is pretty grim. The midfield is a problem that Tim has struggled with and failed to solve since he took over.

When Owl Face made that “much of a muchness” comment, it was clear to me that this is what he was referring to. And why he loaned out Holtby without a moment’s hesitation.

Right now, it’s all about keeping the players onside, and reassuring them that someone qualified to do the job is on their way. No two ways about it, if I was Paulinhno, Hugo or Jan, I’d want out too.

Up everyone’s meds, nurse.