Oh Dear, a Matt Doherty Tweet from 2012 has emerged

Social media archaeology as this sort of virtual digging is commonly known as, never tends to end well.

Numerous people have been caught out by it, as the line between thoughts in my head and thoughts I share with the entire world become blurred since the invention of the Internet, and the seductive nature of a glass of wine.

Some people have lost their jobs as a result of things they posted in the heat of a moment. Others have simply been vilified for all time because one or more Tweets have been held up by puritans as conclusive evidence of bigotry. I myself have been proved overwhelmingly guilty of all manner of terrible things by uptight losers. It’s the age we live in. In the Middle Ages I’d have been burned at the stake by the same folks relatives.

Matt Doherty will have fun explaining this one away to the more tribal amongst our fanbase.

Personally I couldn’t care if he was released from Broadmoor in 2012. Fewer finger tricks and less flower pressing, that’s what I say.