NFL Have Levy ‘On Probation’ Negotiations A Fiasco Wembley Games Will Continue

Good evening where you are.

Ye, the Tottenham faithful.

Being faithful – in the respect of football fans – has been a something, a word that’s stuck in my craw since forever or maybe even 20 minutes before forever.

I didn’t sign up to a religious cult when I started supporting Spurs. I didn’t agree to leave my brain at the turnstile.

A dog is notoriously faithful chap. But only to the extent that if you prove yourself to be a reliable source of food, fun. succour and perhaps bring a mission into his life.

Unremarkably, faith’s synonyms include ‘hope’, ‘acceptance’, and ‘belief.’

A good time for a Hitch-slap. When isn’t a good time for one, I say.

Faith is the surrender of the mind; it’s the surrender of reason, it’s the surrender of the only thing that makes us different from other mammals.

It’s our need to believe, and to surrender our skepticism and our reason, our yearning to discard that and put all our trust or faith in someone or something, that is the sinister thing to me.

Of all the supposed virtues, faith must be the most overrated.”

I couldn’t agree more.

For those with only double digit intelligence quotients, the line between healthy tribalism and unhealthy devotion has become blurred.

A highly esteemed HH reader from the USA received unsolicited confirmation from the NFL that our illustrious chairman’s negotiations were worse than the previous leak from the USA had originally suggested.

Daniel completely overplayed his hand and New York told him to go **** off.

He came back with his tail tucked in and the deal got done.”

Gladys spoke to one of her colonial counterparts, Delores the Decaffeinated Tea Lady.

Big Del was able to add:

It was only once he landed that he knew for certain that he hadn’t blown it.

Basically, the deal went ahead, despite him. Spurs got a ‘two game minimum’ guarantee which sits pretty uneasily with a 10 year deal.

There are a few people over here (in the states) waiting to see just how this 10 year deal pans out in reality, as in will it organically blossom, or will it be doomed from the start?

Other football stadiums over there (in the UK) are either being actively redeveloped as we speak or are scheduled to be rolled out in the near/medium term.

We (the Yanks) like long term strategies and the fact that your boy only came away with an entry level offer must sting.”

Another salient point, is that whilst call me Daniel has been thrown a bone secured a 10 year deal, the NFL games at Wembley will carry on as usual.

15 years this chump has been at the helm, and the good ship lollypop ENIC is still trading on the basis that it is an improvement on the previous regimes.

How can one trump a Christopher Hitchens quote?  With a David St.Hubbins one of course. 

 They were still booing him when we came on stage.”

May your god go with you.