New Spurs Store Being Stocked Out With ‘Sports’ Goods

‘Sports’ is a word I particularly loathe. There’s a sickly blandness to this generic noun that makes me want to wretch.

I could never watch A Question Of Sport, for that matter, because I’ve no interest in anything other than football.  I’ve no interest at all. Never watched an entire game of rugby. I can’t abide the Olympics. What is everyone running away from? Must be themselves.

American football is ONLY livened up by the ad breaks.

Let’s hope all you ‘sports’ fans out there are looking forward to being able to shop ‘sports’.




This photo comes from the New Destination™ and reflects the direction the new store will travel in.

Are those the final gondola units?

If so we’re going for a Sports Direct vibe.


It was inevitable that the shop was going to be stuffed with NFL product, but I guess seeing it laid out just makes the awfulness that much more real.

Let’s browse.

Let’s eat.

‘Go team(s)!’