Home » Mourinho 25/1 to replace Southgate as England boss

Mourinho 25/1 to replace Southgate as England boss

By The Boy -

JOSE MOURINHO COULD SOON REPLACE Gareth Southgate as England boss, according to Ladbrokes.

After being sent packing by Tottenham Hotspur earlier this week, the bookies have priced Mourinho’s odds of being the next England boss at just 25/1.

Alex Apati of Ladbrokes told The Boy: “All eyes are on Mourinho’s next move and the Special One may have one eye on England if Southgate’s men fail to impress at the Euros.”

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Jose Mourinho to be next England manager – 25/1

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James McKevitt
James McKevitt
3 years ago

Twenty five to one FFS I’m twenty to one to get the job.

Last edited 3 years ago by James McKevitt
3 years ago

Won’t be watching England anymore, unless it’s to help me get to sleep. I thought Southgate football was boring, but it’s going to look positively exciting compared to what Jose will serve up.

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