Home » Matt Law Gets It Wrong Again

Matt Law Gets It Wrong Again

The mainstream press have to kowtow to clubs or life inside media rooms can become …uncomfortable. Which is why such a massive confusion exists these days about what constitutes a ‘professional’ journalist.

Being afraid to tell the truth is fundamentally unprofessional in an industry that supposedly deals in facts and opinion.

Daniel Levy’s reputation as a fierce negotiator is a myth that has been blown to pieces such a long time ago now.

Tough negotiators bring home the bacon. They get a good deal done.

Our man at the commercial rights helm is a perennial time-waster who does not get good deals done. Levy is our Theresa May.

Back and forth, back and forth, busy bee busy bee… achieving nothing. Indeed Levy is the very epitome of a bad deal being worse than no deal at all.

All clubs buy lemons, but goodness me, Levy’s spreadsheet punts could fill several Halls of Fame Infamy.

Verbal agreements mean sweet FA to Shopping Centre Supremo, yet history refutes Matt Law’s toadying.

Carrick, Berbatov, Modric, Bale and Walker all agreed terms before Levy buckled and sold each and every one of them.

Slavery was abolished in England in 1833 and players aren’t left to ‘rot in the reserves’ – if indeed they ever were.

If Eriksen wants out – his unpredictable form suggests he does – then out he will go.

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5 years ago
Reply to  Michelle

Who cares what you think?

Set up your own blog, love.

Run along. Man talk.

5 years ago
Reply to  Michelle

Oh dear oh dear oh dear..

Listen Chell, life’s just that bit too short, i’ve got cryptocurrency to count and the dog needs it’s dinner. Literally anything would be more pleasant than mopping up your limited conversational vomit and you’ve made me drop a stitch.


5 years ago
Reply to  paul

Sure Harry. Anything you say. It is your site and I acknowledge that but if you have a public blog you should be capable of handling disagreement as should your minions unless you do want a pure nice closed, conformist, little knitting circle who repeat “Down Levy! Down ENIC!” monotonously. I like neither but your obsession almost drives me to think twice about that. As for “skewed narrative?” hahahaha! Do you actually read your own posts? Oh BTW 3/10 for the ad hominem attempt

5 years ago
Reply to  Michelle

Why didn’t you just come on and post that Instead of dressing yourself up like a tart with some authentic wares? You can characterise the broad agreement on here however you like to fit your skewed narrative but you’re still the one badly dressed as a tart.

5 years ago
Reply to  paul

thank you…is that ad hominem, obviously, the best that you can do, but is it meant as a refutation or some kind? Or are you just one of HH’s echoes? It really seems that the regulars here all have to march in step or else. This totally undermines any pretence about this site being one of serious conversation and instead only a Levy/ENIC hatefest. Constantlybanging a drum and then being upset when someone complains about the noise says it all.

5 years ago
Reply to  poxy

Levy and Enic need to be removed but HOW? And what investor wants to inherit our massive debts and no doubt pay over the odds to acquire the club?

5 years ago
Reply to  Wes Moore

The whole team was absolutely nondescript in the first half last night! Did they know they were playing in a CL semi-final or are they just totally knackered in a threadbare squad that is the inevitable result of the efforts (or lack of!) of our esteemed chairman?

5 years ago
Reply to  Michelle

comment image

5 years ago
Reply to  East Stand

Been aware and surprised of your view on this for some time Easty, in terms of commitment and then form, from January onwards, his dropped off a cliff, it has been very noticeable. There’s him being erratic as per and then there’s this. Stats don’t fully highlight because he’s played in every fackin match, is the only creative midfielder we have and he runs about a lot but in terms of his ability to control a game, his commitment to put his foot in or his mental commitment to get involved and drive us forward or react to situations where our main CM is needed, all those things are at an all time low, he’s on half rations or just not showing up, not in the way he has done in previous seasons.

Wes Moore
Wes Moore
5 years ago
Reply to  East Stand

Definitely agree but it’s worse at the moment. That said, he’s also knackered due to the (lack of) depth in the squad and inability to rest him. Such a shame we didn’t wrap up top 4 before now. Could have rested them all (and dropped Alli full stop after last nights nondescript performance).

5 years ago
Reply to  East Stand

He wasn’t always this ‘sporadic’

5 years ago

Based upon comments by the same Madrid media hacks who lick Peres’s umm boots upon command? WTG! They have been doing this for decades and believing them is a denial of any respectable credibility.

East Stand
East Stand
5 years ago

Personally I don’t put Eriksen’s erratic form down to any potential transfer away. He’s always been erratic in terms of performance, it’s what he does…

East Stand
East Stand
5 years ago

Constantly saying “I’m not bloody paying that, how about half as much?” – is not a negotiation technique that’s going to lead to being told anything other than “fuck off”…

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