Home » Mark Bosnich Brands Daniel Levy’s Decision ‘Strange and peculiar’ Suggesting Fans Are Due Answers | video

Mark Bosnich Brands Daniel Levy’s Decision ‘Strange and peculiar’ Suggesting Fans Are Due Answers | video

By The Boy -

When a big football name says what most right-minded people are thinking, then that must make life rather uncomfortable for Daniel Levy this morning. Talk of the reasons for sacking Mourinho a week before a final coming out in the next weeks, months, or even years more than suggests that Levy has crossed a line. CEOs need to explain actions that appear erratic and that may have been damaging to their businesses – don’t they?

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East Stand
East Stand
3 years ago
Reply to  England Mike

Some of us predicted that once we moved into the new place that the jig would be up for Levy. He’s very good at talking a good fight but now you’ve got this massive stadium that needs a team that fits with it.

I don’t believe Levy has ever really thought about or cared what happens to the team after the move. Some of us also predicted that we would lose our way if we didn’t back Poch or sack him.

One doesn’t need to be some kind of prophet or sage to make these predictions. Just need to understand what Levy/ENIC are actually about…

East Stand
East Stand
3 years ago

He should also explain why he failed to back Pochettino and his subsequent sacking too, while he’s at it…

3 years ago
Reply to  Marbella Spur

Never thought I’d feel sorry for Mourinho, but he’s been well shafted.

Richard David Bernard Taylor
Richard David Bernard Taylor
3 years ago

Should also have said, Marbella Spur, a pretty good summing up of our esteemed CEO.

Richard David Bernard Taylor
Richard David Bernard Taylor
3 years ago
Reply to  Marbella Spur

He really is one horrendous guy, isn’t he? And, yes, the bizarre timing of the sacking (bizarre is the kind word) has to be for financial reasons.

Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
3 years ago
Reply to  James McKevitt

ENICites probably struggle with snap.

Richard David Bernard Taylor
Richard David Bernard Taylor
3 years ago
Reply to  England Mike

If I was a top manager there is no way I would consider taking the Spurs job under the present regime. Like Rodgers, I would see how many managers they have got through including some fairly useful ones and I would notice how none of these managers, however promising things seem at a stage during their tenure, seem to be able to complete the job. I would have to conclude that perhaps they weren’t getting sufficient backing!

Marbella Spur
Marbella Spur
3 years ago
Reply to  James McKevitt

There is nothing the fans can do is partially correct but it will not sit well with Lewis if there are going to be continuing protests. If Lewis wants to sack Levy as CEO he can easily do this as the majority shareholder. It does not mean that Levy will not continue to own his 29% of Enic. It will just mean that he has been removed from running the club which would be no bad thing.

James McKevitt
James McKevitt
3 years ago

Anybody analysing that game and judging Ryan Mason is doing Levy’s work for him. It’s his version of of the three card trick.

James McKevitt
James McKevitt
3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

You’ll be waiting a long time, unfortunately.

James McKevitt
James McKevitt
3 years ago

Levy part owns the club, he can do what he likes and there is nothing the fans will do will remove him.

Marbella Spur
Marbella Spur
3 years ago
Reply to  The Boy

Nobody will pay Enic the premium that they are asking or will ask until the premium erodes substantially. The club is in a mess as it has huge debt and the need to substantially reinforce the team which Enic are not prepared to do. Any shrewd investor will bide their time.

David Dillenberg
David Dillenberg
3 years ago

In fairness to Joe Lewis because he rarely attends matches (same criticism levelled at the Liverpool owners) does not mean he does not watch matches on TV. The fact that Levy attends is sufficient!

England Mike
England Mike
3 years ago

Whatever the real reasons are for dismissing the manager under such bizarre circumstances, what image of the club does it portray to everyone outside the club ?
Just as important, how do potential managers see this club and the manner in which it is run, to consider themselves available for a position that has become almost impossible to carry out without the interference from above.
Where does Levy go from here and what options are there left for him in his role as Chairman, never mind trying to take the club forward, he must be a desperate man after the mess of Mourinho, and the deserved criticism he has has endured since for that and the ESL.
The club is a horrible mess and I can’t think of a silver lining to cling to for the future prospects as things are, I doubt he has a solution either and that is the worrying part.

Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
3 years ago
Reply to  Marbella Spur

I can believe he watches Levy, overseeing the plundering of assets and the regeneration of the borough. I think you can count on 1 hand the matches he’s been to….

White hot
White hot
3 years ago
Reply to  White hot

Also an apology for the chronic lack of investment in players and the number of quality players missed through his low-ball antics.

Marbella Spur
Marbella Spur
3 years ago

He was born in Bow but I am led to believe that he keeps a much closer eye on events than you imagine. I doubt he is a happy bunny at the moment.

White hot
White hot
3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

So am I. But it won’t be forthcoming, he hasn’t the gumption to front up.

3 years ago

We did lose a cup final, true. But allegedly, sacking Mourinho at the time saved us some money, so who’s laughing now?

It should be the duty of every Spurs supporter to remember all the missteps of Levy’s reign and to hold him accountable, but once we get in a promising new face and beat Burnley, Palace and Newcastle, I suspect many will forget.

“Finally, someone is playing Winks in his preferred position. 98% pass completion rate! Who cares Wolves beat us 3-1 at home, Sanchez and Dier only cost us two out of the three goals this time.”

I myself hate the man but it’s almost impossible to keep track of everything he put us through.

Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
3 years ago
Reply to  Marbella Spur

It’s bizarre Jose would sign anything where he could be sacked before a season ends and have the finances effected in that way. He could still get 4th and win a cup, probably wouldn’t have but still. They simply don’t care. Lewis doesn’t even know where Tottenham is.

3 years ago

I’m still waiting for the deeply felt video apology/explanation to the fans for his ESL involvement, nevermind the sacking of a cup winning specialist a few days before a cup-final

Marbella Spur
Marbella Spur
3 years ago

As I have mentioned before, Levy sacked Mourinho whilst we were in seventh place and had not yet won a cup, thereby making it the optimum moment to dismiss him with the least financial penalty. Good accounting practices but wrong in every other way. Levy is a busted flush, loathed by many of the fans and by all the club chairmen he has ever done business with, and by the fourteen PL clubs who were not included in the ESL negotiations. Coupled with the furlough fall out, his cataclysmic interference in transfer matters, the amount of compensation that the club has had to pay out for all the managers and ancillary staff that he has sacked, he has become the Gerald Ratner of football. To cap it all, he is the highest paid CEO in the PL. I do not believe that Joe Lewis is watching this never ending sh*t storm without concern. Levy is damaging the brand and when a CEO does that, there are normally consequences.

Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
3 years ago

The blog a couple back….Imagine blaming Ryan Mason?? You have to be the last grim Levyologist on the ENIC sinking barge to continue to ignore whats plainly, paaaaainfully obvious and blame a 29 year old ex player with zero experience who shouldn’t av even been put in the situation. Levy is not fit for purpose, if nothing went on behind the scenes and he sacked Jose cos of “results” days before a final….that as has been said, he was specifically brought in to win….then he has to go. He’s either mad or actively trying to destroy THFC. Both I reckon. That’s one job he’s completed with flying colours cos this club is f@$%@d.

Last edited 3 years ago by Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
David Dillenberg
David Dillenberg
3 years ago
Reply to  Sandro

Whilst I hear your frustrations be careful what we wish for. Presumably the club will eventually be sold in the future. It’s simply a case of when and to whom???

3 years ago

Dear Daniel, thank you for our fantastic new stadium and top training centre, you’ve done what you are good at, now f%*k off and let someone who understands the playing / winning side of football take charge.

3 years ago

Levy, in the first instance would have to acknowledge that he did wrong in sacking Mourinho. Bit like an alcoholic or drug addict admitting they have a problem when seeking help. Until you do that you will continue to make the same wrong decisions.

Let’s be clear. Levy is a narcissist you cannot second guess anything a person with this trait will do next.

Last edited 3 years ago by JimmyGrievance
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