Home » Lucas Moura’s Best Actions Against City | video

Lucas Moura’s Best Actions Against City | video

By The Boy -

The shot assist.

The fouls

Newsflash: Moura wasn’t in any respect good enough against Manchester City. Which may or may not put into stark perspective his performance against Ajax, who are a lesser side than Pep’s boys. Is that actually an unfair comment based upon trophy successes?

I take a view that Moura is YET ANOTHER comparatively cheap deal instigated by ENIC that has fundamentally failed.

Which Premier League sides would Luca walk into?


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3 years ago

Genuine question. You’re spurs manager and have a 150 million, who would you sign?

Moura is flawed (that damn final pass) but even the most optimistic of us can’t expect top top quality in overstocked in every position. We’re not man city

East Stand
East Stand
3 years ago

Lucas ‘one good game in 8’ Moura…

3 years ago

A modern day Ronny Rosenthal.

James McKevitt
James McKevitt
3 years ago

West Brom, Sheffield United. But never forget like Lamela he runs about a lot.

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