London Fire Brigade Lodge Objection To Tottenham Hale Build


The London Fire Brigade has objected to a planned 38-storey high rise development at Tottenham Hale because of ‘Insufficient information provided in relation to access and facilities for fire fighters’.

You can view the objection here.

The pencil-thin 38 storey tower is designed with only a single escape stairway.

This layout diagram shows the 36th floor:

All to make bigger profits for the developers!

Haringey Councillors Zena Brabazon and Ruth Gordon have called a public meeting to update residents about the Argent Related planning application around Tottenham Hale station.

The meeting is taking place at 7pm, Tuesday 4th September, at 33 Holcombe Road N17 9AS.
It will provide advice on how to lodge an objection to the planning proposals.

The are to be 1,036 new flats, and not one single council rent home. No social rent, and No affordable rent, despite the dire housing-related family poverty in this area.

The two Councillors are backing a residents’ campaign launched outside the boarded-up Welborne site last Friday. Please see the attached images. [Credit Clive Carter – free public use]

“Around 70% of the (tiny) land area of this site is Council owned”, says campaigner Paul Burnham. “This council promised in their election manifesto to build council housing on council-owned land, and that is what they must do.”

“Zero social rent is unacceptable when there are 9,000 households on Haringey’s waiting list, and 48% of all local households have no savings or are in debt. All 1,036 planned homes have barriers to access in the form of deposits and advance payments”, he added.

The developer Argent Related boasts that ‘Through careful design, this scheme has ensured that the affordable [shared ownership] homes where possible can be accessed separately via their own entrance.’ They want to keep market residents and shared ownership completely apart.

This is social exclusion by design. The 24% of Shared ownership homes will not be affordable for local people. Many of the homes would be for private rent: in other words, expensive and insecure housing. This Tottenham Hale Centre proposal is only the latest of a string of similar high rise private developments planned for this locality. This time. Let’s say No to this rotten development.

The Argent Related planning application is available on the Haringey website.

Go to and search for planning application HGY/2018/2223

The lengthy building programme will increase pollution in Tottenham Hale. Our school children and residents are already affected by toxic air quality

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