Home » Light Relief For Levy: Test Events Now Scheduled

Light Relief For Levy: Test Events Now Scheduled

By The Boy -

The controversial COVID-19 passport scheme looks set to see the light of day in a matter of weeks if it can make it past the House of Commons. The passport as I understand it may be used as a device for the bearer to prove that they have either been vaccinated or recently tested negative for the virus. After the prospective document has been shown, the holder would then be subject to an on-the-spot test (as in existence at some places already, such as some airports).

Subject to numerous factors, then the government has a theoretical pathway sketched out to then allow various percentages of venue capacity to be filled by the public. So in practical terms, the Carabao Cup final against Manchester City at Wembley could become a test event.

It cannot be emphasized just how much of this is all up in the air at this stage and the likelihood of hostility towards this ‘passport’ is pretty much nailed on as The Mirror believes: “More than 70 Tory, Labour, and Lib Dem MPs have pledged to campaign against the “divisive and discriminatory use” of inoculation certificates to “deny individuals access to general services, businesses or jobs”.

The bottom line is that a maximum of 4,000 fans could watch the forthcoming League Cup final.

I take a view that the sooner this virus is treated like flu as was suggested by Chris Whitty, then the better for everyone. Already in a small town near me, numerous businesses have closed, including a high street bank, and I am aware of horrific personal debts now borne by businesses still waiting to reopen.

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3 years ago

A pandemic that was trialed six months before it actually happened to lead to an end game of a social credit system platform which you are locked into via a vaccine passport system.Banks looking to go digital in a cashless society in which your social credit rating controls your access to your own cash which of course will no longer be your own cash as within the remit of The Great Reset no one but the elites will own anything. 5G is the mobile platform to carry this data run by satellites currently being installed around the Earth via SpaceX. If you say or even think anything that contradicts the system speak then you will be downgraded on the credit system and that will mean you will pay more for everything while earning less and your family will be marginalised and your children denied opportunities for education and career progression. It could never happen? It is already starting. Levy is already working on a plug in to reduce the social credits of any fan who criticises ENIC or his role as Chairman.

Last edited 3 years ago by legoverlass
Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
3 years ago
Reply to  James McKevitt

Certificate of vaccination I.D.

It was always happening.

Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
3 years ago

These can’t be real people downvoting this ffs. Do some enjoy the post war rights that their forefathers died for being p$ssed on and freedom of movement and life as we know it being annahilated?? Utter scum

3 years ago

What plans that then that’s working perfectly?

he's got no left foot
he's got no left foot
3 years ago
Reply to  Lord Croker

Agreed. Even the better half says the fun has gone out of dogging 😉

James McKevitt
James McKevitt
3 years ago

What about the people who can’t take the vaccine because of allergy problems or other reasons.

Will there be a small group of people unvaccinated who can’t travel abroad, can’t go to a restaurant or sporting events?

You don’t want to return to the pre antibiotic era of Tuberculosis where you were cut off from society if you had TB.

Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
3 years ago

This passport nonsense will finish the rest off.

Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
3 years ago
Reply to  James McKevitt

Right. I’ve got a pub at either end of my road. Both gone out of business. Just gutted out buildings now. As is half the main street. Plans working perfectly.

James McKevitt
James McKevitt
3 years ago

Assuming there are any pubs left to go to.

Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
3 years ago

A “poll” said 62% of people would be ok with vax passports to go to a pub…..


Last edited 3 years ago by Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
3 years ago

It will show what a totalitarian country this is when this gets approved. Breaks human rights articles, Nuremberg code and a European committee a couple weeks ago, which Britain is a part of ,stating coerced or forced vaccinations cannot happen. If this test event(been there before) is anything like the fa cup semi final one it won’t be fans of the club going, just some random “locals” . The whole thing is a farce when even India and American states have had crowds in for a while. Boris and his crew will go along with whatever their controllers dictate. If they don’t, well, Tanzania’s president is an example of that…

Last edited 3 years ago by Is Gascoigne gonna have a crack?
Lord Croker
Lord Croker
3 years ago

‘I take a view that the sooner this virus is treated like flu as was suggested by Chris Whitty, then the better for everyone.’

Indeed. The players must be bored to death playing in empty venues.

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